First rock album ever
Indara Camarão Dias Uberlândia, MG, BR
I was 10, at this time here in Brazil, it was really hard to have access to good music. But, thanks to MTV, I saw the Bullet with Butterfly wings video clip. I remember of falling completly in love with the Song, strong and powerfull. I remember to find the record at a store at the mall and I bought it. Even though I couldn’t understand The lyrics, I loved the rythms and the Flow. This record shaped my intire taste in music so far. Thank you Smashing Pumpkins!!!!!
Hard to find
Catalina M Medellín , CO
MCIS was my first CD from SP, but not the first I had listened. I became it for my 16th birthday in 2001. My parents gave it to me and it was so hard to find, they were all over the city to find it. I was so happy and I felt so cool because my friends came to my house just to listen it.

San Diego, Sports Arena MCIS Tour
Kay Stasinos San Diego, CA, US
The Smashing Pumpkins music spoke to my soul & healed my wounds. MCIS was the soundtrack of my youth. I will never forget attending the small clubs tour at SOMA & then their arena tour at the Sports Arena. Thank you for making music & lyrics that are still in our hearts. “Come into my life forever.”
The First Double Album In My Existence
Max Los Angeles, CA, US
Even though the album was released in October of 1995, it didn’t really hit me across the face until April of 1996. With “1979”, “Tonight, Tonight” and “Zero” on the radio I finally had enough influence to beg my mother to buy me the album. At this time I just turned 8 years old. I was a fan of “Today” and “Cheurb Rock” from the previous album but I never owned it. I had been influenced by my mom’s bands/artists from the 60s and 70s during my infancy. I knew the Beatles, The Stones and Eagles front to back it seemed. However, in 1996 after watching my older cousins adore Nine Inch Nails, Nirvana, Pearl Jam, etc. Mellon Collie arrived at the perfect time in my growing up. It felt like mine. I felt that I was on a wave with the promotion of music videos, live performances and everything Smashing Pumpkins.
Years later, after music school and working in this industry for 12 years, you are still one of my favorite artists/bands of all time. You (Billy) influenced me beyond measure. There’s so much music that has come through the years and still nothing compares to the imagination, passion and influence Mellon Collie has had on my life.
Billy is riding shotgun.
Matthew Dallas, Texas, US
1995 was a hard year for me. I was 18, no idea where life was going and my mother passed to cancer. During these challenging times one thing was my rock, this album. Through my sadness this album was on. This album was the light in one of my darkest periods of life. I’m forever grateful. Thanks SP!

MCIS my first record of the 2000’s
Max Rosas Puebla, MX
I remember like time not pass, in July 2000 see this double CD with a lovely cover, only know a bunch of song but, when i put the cd in the player…It’s like my music world start over, a brand new sounds come and never leave. The worn out cover it’s a sample of how many times I listen this masterpiece…What a time to start musically the 2000’s

25 years of music inspiring my art- thank you ♥︎
Fonda Gunnedah, AU
This photo taken from my art diary as a teenager when I first heard Mellon Collie and the Infinite Sadness and my life changed. Thr music spoke to my soul and art flowed… 25 years later I am still so moved by this album and make art as I listen. It takes me from the darkness and inspires me always. Thank you for this gift you have given us ♥︎
Skye Owen Berick, AU
When I was eight years old, I was carving pumpkins with my dad, and he began playing The Smashing Pumpkins. And with that became a very long path of love for this band!
MCIS was my favourite album throughout my entire childhood, and even now I can’t go very long without listening to it! It’s helped me so much in the long run, as much as it has everyone else here I imagine!
This album, and this band, had inspired me to play bass, had inspired me in so many different ways!
The cornerstone of my relationship with music, and a map for coming of age
Adam Android Coeur D Alene Idaho, US
Growing up in Seattle, as a young musician I remember my friend playing me a snippet of a song over the phone attached to the wall. “The world is a vampire “. I had to hear more. Offering something, deeper & more musically sophisticated than the grunge I couldn’t escape this album changed my life. I remember the smell of the booklet. The way that record made me feel; understood- somehow not alone. To this day that is my “stranded on an island” record. My greatest inspiration and an absolute masterpiece. The lyrical turn for something a bit more obvious cut through the noise, giving me an internal outlet for the heartbreak, the rejection, isolation, and angst I experienced. MCIS is hands down one of the most important records of all time, and it wouldn’t be SP if it wasn’t forever under-appreciated. There is not enough space here for me to be able to fully describe how this album was MY LIFE for so many years, and still sees no equal in my eyes as far as the songs on it, and the variety , that paved the way for “alternative music” by definition.
The Discovery of Mellon Collie
Cristian Alva Chicago, IL, US
My first experience with Mellon Collie was through listening to the song “1979”. As soon as I heard that first line, “shakedown, 1979”, I immediately was hooked. Ever since that rainy day working in Hot Topic, I went on to listen to the entire album and immediately fell in love. Never in my life has a record become so important to me in such a short amount of time.

Zero ‘On The Beach’
Nick Coffman Philadelphia, PA, US
I hadn’t yet matured enough to appreciate the artistry or sonic complexity of MCIS, but I did wait up all night to catch a rerun of “Tonight, Tonight” on the nightly MTV music video loop and was subsequently hooked. I wore this t-shirt around through the summer of 1996 and likely through the end of that decade. I didn’t fully understand what it meant at the time, but I wanted to be a part of whatever it was. Hats courtesy of my Uncle Pete… (Myrtle Beach, South Carolina, 1996)

We will always remember, Tonight
David Toronto, Ontario , CA
Mellon Collie has made an indelible impact on my life, leading me down the rabbit hole, from exploring SP’s vast catalogue to going to my first paid concert to connecting with fans around the world. “1979” drew me in but it was another song that got me hooked. I remember my brother bringing home Mellon Collie. From the first swell of strings, I was so enthralled by “Tonight, Tonight” that I demanded we play it again and again that night. I connected with the song so deeply that it’s the first SP CD I bought and I would later get it signed by the band. I had its poster block mounted and my wife even made me a beautiful custom cake inspired by the video for my birthday this past summer. While Mellon Collie as a whole is a masterpiece, “Tonight, Tonight” remains my favorite song of all time by any artist.
Blasphemy In My Old Jangly Walk
Mathew Hudson Arnold, MO, US
When I was 16, my parents got me my first digital music player: an iPod Shuffle 2nd Gen. (The first one that was really tiny, didnt have a screen, and had a clip on the back). It was criminally limited with only 1GB of storage but given the fact it was 2007 and up until that point I was still carrying around a CD Player and a CD wallet, I was stoked to have it and instantly loaded it up with music and was practically updating that thing like everyday with new music. Since I could only have a handful songs on it, I usually stuck to only adding a selection of songs from a bands album instead of the whole thing but I couldn’t help but make an exception for Mellon Collie and the Infinite Sadness. The album wasnt new to me by any means as I heard it for the first time a few years earlier when a friend of mine put it on in their car and always remembering how blown away I was while listening to introductory title track. As much as I loved the album and had pretty much every song off both discs, I had never listened to it from start to finish, all at once, in order. And now that I had my iPod, I didnt have to swap out discs to do that. So one Saturday morning, I decided to go for a walk and listen to entire thing, not ending my walk and not going back home until it had ended. Needless to say, it was a very long and exhausting trip I made walking all around my hometown but it was more than worth it to hear the album in its entirety as a whole. That experience has always been not only one of my favorite memories I’ve had that’s associated with music but one of the most important memories of mine as well. Oh and final side note, there have been so many albums I’ve listened to that have had just some incredible closing tracks on them but none of them will ever be as powerful and as moving like Farewell and Goodnight is.

Accepting Zero
Guillermo Leon Restrepo Brentwood, New York, US
Finding MCIS was the the first time I can really connect and relate to music in a personal way, and has helped me accept who I am, and I’m glad to say I’m more sure of myself now. When Smashing Pumpkins announced the SAOSB tour, you best believe I instantly got myself a ticket and it was the first concert I been to, and will cherish it for the rest of my life!

My school was hell, but SP save me.
Stephanie Martínez Santiago de Chile, CL
Is not that I hated school, but I hated my classmates. This music free me from all that machism abuse that existed around me. My corrosive character on mondays it was for the same reason, I hated to go to school because, I was useless to know how to stop been abused. And then, I took refuge in my music. Mcis was like my wall. The one that gave me strength after the blows that my teammates gave me and the mistreatment of my colleagues. It was my only escape route. I don’t remember what exactly happened at that time, I just remember having my shredded siamese dream cassette in my jacket, and the mcis disc 2 in my cassette player. I don’t remember how I get hurt, I only remember SP.
Peace in Uncertainty
Nick Scottsdale, AZ, US
This album saved me. When I got it, my family had to move in with my grandparents. It was a hard time for all of us. Listening to this album on repeat brought me peace.Thanks, SP!
Jean Santacoloma Bogotá, CO
At that time I was on Army service year. I had to save three months of payment for buying that album, but worth it. Then I heard 1979 song, and I felt like a little tribute, for us 16eeners. Thank you
Blake Indianapolis, IN, US
This album was everything at a time I most needed it. It had more than an impact, it forged my path in many ways. Struggles, hope, faith… everything. My best friend and I are forever connected because of it.
From my crush to Cancun
Chio Cancun, MX
MCIS was my first aproach to SP. I listened Tonight in my crushed’ car and I fall inmediatly in love. Months later I moved on at the other side of the country, Cancun and it was the soundtrack of this new life. I was listening Porcelina during a travel boat to Cozumel, and a group of dolphins came out, jumping near the boat!!! My tattoo is from the art of MCI.
Gregg Elkridge, MD, US
I returned from 4 years in Germany serving in the US Army on October 26, 1995. I landed in Boston setting foot on US soil for the first time in 4 years and insisted in the ride home to N.H. That we stop at a record store so I could pick up MCIS. The next 7 days as I reacquainted with home, friends and family I also acquainted with this masterpiece! Thank You!
An album as my savior
Guillermo Larios Veracruz, MX
I was battling crippling depression during high school, I was presented with MICS and once I picked it up, couldn’t put it down. Made me understand that it was okay to be depressed and that things would get better. I’m a doctor now and help those with mental health issues on my free time. Thanks, SP!

Sanithna Atlanta, GA, US
The night before the release, I remember sitting in front of my radio, my face inches away from the speakers, eagerly listening to the broadcast of the Riviera Theatre concert. The excitement of hearing the band in real time, “live,” just on the other side of the radio, playing with such energy and ferocity, filled me with so much excitement. Even my anticipation hadn’t been enough to prepare me for the new songs. When the power went out in Chicago, I scrambled to find extra cassettes to keep recording. I knew that I would run out of tape and I didn’t want to miss a single minute. At one point, my dad came in to my room and I was smiling from ear to ear, staring at the EQ lights, overflowing with joy, and he sat with me to listen to the entirety of “X.Y.U.” Looking back now, that night made it pretty clear that MCIS was an entirely different beast. It was, from ambition to execution, levels and evolutions beyond everything that had come before it (even my beloved “Drown”).
I spent all of my saved money on the tour’s merch, which gave me a pretty heavy rotation of shirts to wear, but the one in this picture was my absolute favorite.

my boy wearing MCIS shirt
Agung Nugroho Jogjakarta, ID
I have a son and his name is Abisatya Nugroho..we used to call him ATA….my boy was born in 17th March 2012…so whenever Billy Corgan celebrate his B-Day, I celebrate two events… my boy’s and Billy’s…and you know what,… whenever I play 1979 in my car while we’re going to work and school, my boy loves this song sooo much… that’s why i wanted to buy him an SP shirt as a Birthday Gift…so i found this shirt and took a picture of my boy wearing the way, i want my SP collectibles item would be a legacy to my son someday

I stopped the idea of killing my self because of Billy
Michelle Dvorak Connecticut , US
Billy Corgan literally saved my life by being so public about his depression

Small Night Club
Anna DeVicariis San Diego, CA, US
Seeing a big band at a small night club. I was so happy to hear that the band was playing a local club that my friends and I frequent at. Even better to get a rare ticket with art done by the band. A one of a kind ticket that was limited. Smashing Pumpkins helped me get through my teen year’s. No matter what mood they had a song. Thank you SP for always being there.
Sing a Long
Aaron Wait Adelaide, South Australia , AU
As a teen my friend was lucky enough to be looking after his uncles $40,000 professional karaoke machine. We used to sing the whole double album from beginning to end.