Carlos Lima, PE

Angela Kansas City, MO, US
I received The Aeroplane Flies High on Christmas Day 1996 and it’s still the best gift ever!
Tio Rodolfo
Alex C. Los Angeles, US
I was 14 on summer vacation in Las Vegas & I was worried I wouldn’t have anyone to take me to purchase the box set on release day. My cousin said his dad would. So he did. It was the first time my Salvadoran 50+year old uncle stepped foot inside a mall. I remember he wanted to stop and admire the “architecture” and all I wanted was to hurry up and buy this thing I wanted so bad at like Sam Goody. I bought it. It was everything I hoped it would be and he couldn’t understand the big deal I made about this tiny zebra print looking box. Little did I know that that experience with him would be some of my most treasured. RIP Tio Rodolfo! Wish HE had more time. ✈️

That day was the greatest day we’ve ever known
Alejandra Molano Bogota, CO
I arrived at 6:50am to get in line for The Smashing Pumpkins concert in Bogotá. It started raining approximately at 12:30 and it didn’t stop until probably 10pm. While we were getting dripping wet, I met these two amazing guys, we started talking about life and we couldn’t believe we were about to experience one of the best days of our lives. We ended up in first row and we went through one of the most beautiful moments ever. Thank you Juan and Pablo for living this amazing day next to me. Thank you Smashing Pumpkins for making this possible 🖤.
road trip!
tess Manchester UK, GB
me and my dad driving through the British countryside to Scotland in the middle of summer, only CDs we had in the new land rover were smashing pumpkins! They were the only things we needed to keep us entertained for days. thanks, love u!
The beginning
charley Jacksonville FL, US
i remember the first time i ever heard the smashing pumpkins. the song was cupid de locke and i knew that i instantly fell in love with the music. learning and hearing about all of the memories and fun facts and influenced me to pursue my music career. i will forever be so greatful for this band.

Dream of a 12 y.o girl
Monica Montes de Oca San Jose, CR, CR
Smashing pumpkins saved me from suicide when I was 12 y.o and 14 years later, at my 26, still reminds me how good is to be alive and how lucky I am to continue breathing. Is a dream come true to see my favorite band at my country.
Pura vida!

The indescribable moment of my life
Andrés Matamoros Bogotá, CO
Dear Smashing Pumpkins,
Every chord and every word resonated deeply when I saw you live on November 14th in Bogotá, filling the space with emotions and a magic only you can create.
Your music transcends the ordinary, touching the soul and inspiring in ways that feel eternal. Thank you for creating something so human and powerful. I eagerly await the day you return to Colombia.
With infinite admiration,
Andrés P. Matamoros

First Tattoo
Greg Detroit, MI, US
Summer of ’03. Visited a good friend in San Francisco. Got my first tattoo. Artwork from the original lyric book that came with Melon Collie. Bullet with Butterfly Wings.
My graduation
Carolina Borowsky Florianópolis, BR, BR
I graduated from Med School, received my medical degree to the sound of “Tonight, tonight”. It was my choice and definetly an unforgettable moment. Thanks Billy and the band for keeping me sane through my teenage years and, frankly, throughout my whole life so far 💙
Ulises Escareño Borunda Baja California , MX
I order the album 3 months earlier before it came out and I was counting every single day until it came, had my Mom and my Dad with me and we blasted on a 1995 ford mustang I had all 3 of us were enjoying the new SP sound back then, we are truly blessed to be fans, my Mom is with God now but I still have my Father and enjoying Atum like there is no tomorrow along with Cyr🎊🎉🎊🎉🎊🎉🎊👍🎊

9th row
Joel Wa, US
Show was great until the guy next to us puked all over the floor where my son and I stood so we had to leave the show early unfortunately.

Nathan Evergreen Park, US
I was working as a sound engineer at the University of Iowa. We mostly recorded ACT tests for the blind. very tedious, editing mistakes out of math equations. But I had access to a super amazing sound studio – state of the art dat machines and expensive mics and studio monitors and a huge 32 track board. The recording studio was an old bunker – literally a civil defense fall out shelter with the yellow and black sign ( also tornado shelter) It was in the basement of an old building and the sound in that control room was PURE.
I got the CD, after work, the day it came out at a little local college town record store and made a bee line for the Studio. I wanted to hear the record EXACTLY as it was heard when it was mastered. On those studio monitors in a room full of sound padding.
It was really hot that night and remember sweating as I hustled down the stairs into the cool basement room. I closed the heavy bomb door and was sealed inside by myself.
I played a few tracks from Mellon Collie and Siamese dream to set the volume just right and then split the plastic on the CD with my fingernail – popped it in and waited. the sound of those cicadas, the guitar and then the warm vocals starts the story “twilight fades through blistered avalon…
ok, I thought, we are entering new territory here
I sat on the couch and closed my eyes and listened to the entire record without getting up. I wanted to consume this record as a single artwork on the day it was released, – up to that point I had never had that opportunity. Previously all my favorite musicians were dead. And previously I had only bought records that had songs I liked.
THIS was my first blind listen album. and it was EXACTLY what I had hoped for – ESPECIALLY the ending of the record.
The beginning and middle felt like the dynamics I came to expect in a 90’s record. Some up tempo and some down tempo tracks – but the ending did a funny thing. It just kept ending over and over.
My first comment to my friends when I invited them over to listen was that this album has like 5 last songs. after each one you think – well that was a great record. Then right when you are about to get up there is another note and another song. and the album IS NOT over. – Seriously Shame, Night Mare, For Martha, Blank Page – all could be the last song of a perfectly reasonable record. But because we get another note – or another song… it just kept giving. And it still does.
My buddy Matt joined the Pumkin-verse on Gish and kept bugging us until I had to succumb to contemporary music after having all my CDS stolen in 1997 (remember those giant CD books – yup – one guy stole my soul. SO I had to go work at a music store for the discount and 33 by the Pumkins filled that hole in my soul. Adore, however, that was the one that finally got Johnny to join us as pumkinheads. and he still puts Adore above all others until I convinced him to listen to ATUM.
Adore is till the sound of sweaty summer nights. I still prefer to listen to this record on good speakers and from start to finish . I personally believe that it is a singular artwork in that way.
Wanna Go For a Ride?
Greg Lincoln City, OR, US
FINALLY… I got to see SP this past weekend in Bend, OR. As awesome bonuses, Rival Sons and Stone Temple Pilots performed before them! It was a great night of fantastic music that I got to share with my wife and two of my granddaughters, who are the next generation of SP fans! SP was SO GOOD and Billy interacted with the crowd all night. The last song was Zero and the crowd was losing their collective minds! Suddenly Billy points to the crowd and stopped signing… 8,000 people shouted “Wanna go for a ride?” and then the band started again. Maybe a lot of you have seen something like that, but to me it couldn’t have been better if we had rehearsed it! Thanks to the band for an amazine evening!

Greatest night of my life
Anthony Ziegler ENGLISHTOWN, US
Front row from Lawn
Kid has the same love for the music as I did.
Michael Denver, US
I grew up in the 80s and 90s listening to the Smashing Pumpkins. Now my 10 year old has the same love for the band. We surprised him with tickets for the show in ABQ and he hasn’t stopped taking about it! Their music is generational!!!!