To Sheila – Minneapolis
Jimmy Cape Canaveral, US
SP played an outdoor show downtown Minneapolis late 90s. Opened with an electric version of To Sheila. It was one of the most epic, powerful moments of my life. (And I’m a metalhead). “You make me real.”
we must never be apart
Chris Morrisson Hamilton On, CA
Amazing album, what can I say…
A lot of people crapped on it, which I never understood. After three albums of growth, swirling guitars and bone crushing beats- Adore made me introspective in a new way. So many beautiful tunes. I remember making love to this album as a teenager. The girlies loved it too. Happy 25 Adore. I promise will be perfect
Starting the day off right
Ryan Seattle, WA, US
In the summer of ‘98 I lived with some friends in a house just off campus during my first year away from home. I listened to Adore in its entirety every single morning before getting out of bed and heading to work at an ice cream parlor. It defined that moment of life and from the first listen to today, it’s an unquestioned masterpiece.
Till the CD skipped..
Jacob San Marcos, TX, US
1997 – skipping high school, playing Golden Eye and playing the album on repeat. I ended up having to carry around a pillow for my RCA portable player because I scratched the CD from endlessly playing it over and over. Pug always stood out to me and Ava Adore is forever my favorite. I did so much yard work to make the money to buy the CD. Pumpkins Forever.
Adore Lake Michigan HELLO MILWAUKEE!
John V. Riccio Kenosha, WI, US
The day after Independence Day Milwaukee is basically still the 4th, especially at Summerfest. The Pumpkins are playing their first show in town since the epic ‘96 Mellon Collie show at the (massive, old) Bradley Center. Its 1998 and its probably 98 degrees with 98% humidity. This is why this show needs to be released officially… the humidity made the sound of Billy & James’ guitars super smooth and the keys of Mike Garson linger forever… Billy’s screams at the end of Transmission are LEGENDARY… they floated over the lake all the way to Chicago… the 15 minute version of For Martha, the banter about Da Bears from James and the sweat of the crowd during the raucous Bullet With Butterfly Wings… it was a unique time for diehard Pumpkins fans, but it was easy to defend the idea that they were the greatest band in the world this night because even the most pessimistic fans who wanted SD or MCIS 2, got a rock show for the ages. The damp melancholic rage pierced through the night with a groove and a fire that kept every fan in awe as we left the Marcus Amphitheater… more people adored the band after that performance for sure.
Seeing the Adore tour in Forth Worth in 1998 where they actually opened for themselves. It was such an elegant affair and not like any other Pumpkins concert I’ve been to before or since. To this day when I am asked by my kids what my favorite show is that I have ever seen; I tell them and everyone I speak to, Pumpkins Adore tour. Hands Down.

Cam Miller Taylor Mill, KY, US
As the 90s were coming to a crashing halt, I wondered post Mellon Collie, and post turbulent times, what we’d get from the Pumpkins musically. With no social media to tell me what to think, I went to Media Play, grabbed the CD, and put it in my cassette-adapted portable CD player in my made-for-the-family Ford Aerostar. I drove nowhere, but everywhere until the disc concluded. It was different. It was bold. It was smashing. And it still is. Happy 25 Adore.
Miguel Villalpando San Luis Potosí, MX
I was
18yo. My bestfriend in CableTV, recorded a VHS tape with the best of 1998’s MTV.
She got music videos from Perfect & AvaAdore. I was impressed and thrilled
with both songs. Couldn’t keep out of my mind. I bought twice the CD and this
year got Vinyl. Definitely one of my life’s changing records.
The grand re-opening of The Fillmore SF, 04/27/1994
Craig US
I had Primus tickets for the re-opening of the Fillmore for April 28th 1994. Two days before that my buddy gave me a call and told me The Smashing Pumpkins were going to play on the 27th. I was waiting at the ticket booth when it opened and I was the 2nd person in line and the last person to get tickets. The show was great and now I watch it on YouTube all the time. Great night for all except James guitar that got crushed by some falling scaffolding. Epic weekend of rocking hard!

106.5 Single Premiere
Kim Rosas Charlotte, NC, US
Adore was my first new album release as a fan, I was 13. Our local radio station 106.5 announced a time and day for the first single. I vividly recall jumping on the trampoline with an eye on the time, running inside to turn the boom box volume full blast, and hearing Ava Adore’s premiere.

SP Fan for life
Mandi Chicago, IL, US
Chicago girl, been a fan since I was old enough to choose my own music (Siamese Dream era for me). The Smashing Pumpkins were a port in the storm during the toughest of my teen years and helped me feel less alone. I have many memories of fun times at SP shows, several trips to Zuzu’s and now raising a tiny SP fan myself. One of my very favorite memories was posting my tattoo on Instagram and Billy himself liking it, that means a lot as a fan. <3
Arising Tour 1999
Jeremy Kopp Cincinatti, OH, US
Growing up in small town in Southwest Michigan in the 90’s, Smashing Pumpkins was the first band I truly LOVED. I discovered them on Q101, the Chicago alternative rock station, we were able to access from across the lake. The first time I heard those overdubbed guitars, I was entranced. I immediately bought Siamese Dream, Gish and any other LP/EP/B-Side/Import I could get my hands on. It was pre-internet, so anything special had to be ordered via mail. I remember when I got my Vieuphoria VHS delivered. I watched it so many times the tape broke.
In 1996, when I was sixteen, I finally saw them live at the Palace of Auburn Hills on the Mellon Collie tour. It remains the most emotionally satisfying show I have ever seen. There is only one other show that comes close.
In 1999, while at MSU, I read that the Pumpkins were reuniting with Jimmy to showcase new songs in smaller venues. There was only nine dates. By luck, the first show was in Detroit only 90 minutes away from East Lansing. Regrettably, we screwed up and tickets sold out in minutes. Scrambling, we were able to score two tickets to the second show of the tour at Bogarts in Cincinnati Ohio – 5 hours away from East Lansing.
We drove brimming with anticipation, playing their songs the entire way, a credit to their amazing library. When we arrived, we caught a glimpse of Billy in a nearby music shop checking out guitars. Everyone at the show was a die-hard fan, so the energy was electric.
The Pumpkins came out and for the next 2.5 hours proceeded to rock our faces off. They played from Gish (I am One), Siamese Dream (Today, Soma, Geek USA), Pisces Iscariot (La Dolly Vita), Mellon Collie (Muzzle, Zero), Adore (Pug) and all the Machina songs were mind-blowing live. All told there were 21 songs with 3 encores. This was the last tour that the original members played together. D’arcy was out of the band by the end of this brief run of shows.
While part of me wishes I could relive this show with some photos or video, the truth is, I’m glad I didn’t have a smart phone. My eyes were fixated on the stage watching one the greatest bands of all time play for 1,500 people.
Here is the setlist:
One last thing, after nearly 30 years of fandom, I had the opportunity to meet Billy briefly in the lobby of my office building in Los Angeles. I have worked in and around entertainers for 20 years, but I have never been more nervous to speak to someone before. All I really could say was “thank you” for the music & memories. He couldn’t have been nicer.

Once a Zero, always a Zero
Jorge A. Hernández Camacho The Border Juárez / El Paso, MX
I have been wearing a Zero T-shirt since I was 16. I am 42 right now. The Zero t-shirt represents a lot of things for me. There are so many memories. I used to feel some kind of power (confidence) every time I wear it when I was a teenager. It made me feel proud of who I am even though I was not part of the social “standards”. Until these days, it makes me feel creative, rebel, rocker, tender, and part of a HUGE community of passionate people who enjoyed, perhaps, one of the most amazing eras in rock music.
Muzzle Memory
Mike Zito Forked River, New Jersey, US
I have such a connection with SP in general, but Muzzle in particular. I arranged to have it played at my funeral and lyric sheets passed out. I think it is a fantastic narrative of a life lived, the joy and pain, the banquet and pageant that is life.
Misspent youth
Stuart London , GB
1979 is synonymous with my teenage years. How this isn’t a soundtrack to a major motion picture I don’t know. Film producers take note

MCIS(Nightime version)
Pat Woodbridge, Ontario , CA
An esoteric album. The last minute of Ruby really struck a chord within me. The sounds elicit the mood I was in at the time, angst, and hope. I was just starting my family at the time. That section of music told me things will be ok. At age 53, I still set the night time version on repeat. It perfectly describes my atmosphere from within.
The Metro
Cheryl Los Angeles, US
December 2000 @ The Metro. I met my BF on an SP forum online. We were young and broke but bought tix and flew from LA. One of the most magical musical shows ever! I cant even count how many SP shows Ive been to, alone. Hope to bring my daughter in Santa Barbara next week! Thank you for the memories!

Hello Kitty Kat!
Paige Alexandria, VA, US
Pisces Iscariot, kitty cat approved.
Sydney Hih / The Unicorn / Gus’s Mex
Jon Westmore Tucson, AZ, US
I was friends with Donnie and the boys in The Nerve Twins. We hung out at the Unicorn and the upstairs studio alot in those days. Carried some of your equipment up stairs after the free gigs you did right before you got really popular. Damian’s girlfriend Caitlin was my best friends sister. I remember sitting in the studio upstairs smoking and shooting the shit with Billy and I think James. Last time I saw your band, was with Pearl Jam and RHCP at the Eagles Ballroom. The good old days. I was a fan before Gish and it is still my favorite recording that you have done. Really looking forward to the show tonite.
Thunderstorm at Hoard Tour
abraham Canton, US
Remember the Hoard Tour at Blossom in 1999 when it thunderstorms while you guys were on stage? Such a great memory 🙂 thanks for all the great music over the years.

Time is never time at all
My brother and I grew up watching VH1 countdown every weekend and the first music video I saw was Smashing Pumpkins “Tonight, Tonight”. As a 7 year old, I was mesmerized on the PV and the beautiful music. Ever since then, my brother and I dreamt about seeing you guys. It took a little over 20 years but we were able to join you guys in LA 2018 and then last minute in San Diego. Can’t wait to show how amazing the band is with my boyfriend and friend in the Fall! Thank you!