For Martha
Jasmine Pollock Pines, CA, US
I’ve loved SP since I was about 13, in 1995. Around 2018 my best
friend got is tickets to the show in Sacramento CA. Billy played For
Martha. The piano raised up on the stage. So many songs mean so much,
but this was big for me. My dad had killed himself a few years earlier
and I was still so deep in the grief. As an adult, in so much pain, For
Martha meant something so different. Something 15 year old me could
never understand when Adore came out. The loss of a parent. The deep,
sinking grief. As you sang, I sobbed. I cried for the loss of my father
and I also celebrated his life. He bought my first concert ticket in
1995, to see Mellon Collie 🙂 Though you were most likely honoring your
mom, it was a chance for me to honor my dad. It was a turning point in
my grief. Watching you play piano, so lovely. Your heart on your sleeve.
It’s a brave and sacred thing you do. You saved me from that grief. We
cannot linger in our pain forever. There is a place to feel and honor
it. Billy, you have been with me for so long. From a lonely 7th grader,
to an accepting and happy 43 year old woman. I’ve lost count how many
times I’ve seen you in concert. You’ve been there through love, joy,
loss and so much lovely lived life. There are not sufficient words for
what you have done for me. You helped me grow and truly saved my life a
few times when I lost hope. I cannot thank you enough. Sharing your
heart and gifts have made our world and my life better. A place where
our feelings can be real. And though I’ll probably never meet you,
please know you have walked beside me for the last 30 years and you are
like a dearest friend. I love you. Happy Birthday! I hope you and your
beautiful family celebrate with boundless love and joy.

Baby Lumi
Amber Zephyrhills, FL, US
Baby Lumen <3 listening to sp/wpc since she was in the womb
Jasmine Emick Pollock Pines, CA, US
I’ve loved SP since I was about 13, in 1995. Around 2018 my best friend got is tickets to the show in Sacramento CA. Billy played For Martha. The piano raised up on the stage. So many songs mean so much, but this was big for me. My dad had killed himself a few years earlier and I was still so deep in the grief. As an adult, in so much pain, For Martha meant something so different. Something 15 year old me could never understand when Adore came out. The loss of a parent. The deep, sinking grief. As you sang, I sobbed. I cried for the loss of my father and I also celebrated his life. He bought my first concert ticket in 1995, to see Mellon Collie 🙂 Though you were most likely honoring your mom, it was a chance for me to honor my dad. It was a turning point in my grief. Watching you play piano, so lovely. Your heart on your sleeve. It’s a brave and sacred thing you do. You saved me from that grief. We cannot linger in our pain forever. There is a place to feel and honor it. Billy, you have been with me for so long. From a lonely 7th grader, to an accepting and happy 43 year old woman. I’ve lost count how many times I’ve seen you in concert. You’ve been there through love, joy, loss and so much lovely lived life. There are not sufficient words for what you have done for me. You helped me grow and truly saved my life a few times when I lost hope. I cannot thank you enough. Sharing your heart and gifts have made our world and my life better. A place where our feelings can be real. And though I’ll probably never meet you, please know you have walked beside me for the last 30 years and you are like a dearest friend. I love you. Happy Birthday! I hope you and your beautiful family celebrate with boundless love and joy.
Saving my life
Benazir Batista Mexico City, MX
Thank you for all the superb music and your powerful lyrics. Just a few can channel the pain and the rage into the most incredible poetry in the way Billy does.
Thank you for accompany in my life from 12 to now on. SP was my first favourite rock band and that change my existence for good.
Wishing you all the best Billy!
Bonnie Victoria, AU
Kryal Castle, Ballarat, April 2023. Had a brilliant time. Happy Birthday Billy!
Simona Centra Perugia , IT
Happy Birthday William, and happy Saint Patrick’ s day
Arthur Marion, OH, US
A dream comes true!
Giorgos Athens, GR
Its me screaming in the first row in Athens in 2024. I am 47 years old adoring your music since Gish, and if you wonder you will not find a most dedicated fan of your music in Greece and the whole world! THANK YOU billy with all my existence for being the soundtrack of my life!
On Mr. Corgan’s B-Day, I sang EYE at my local dive bar, for karaoke.

My personal collection
PaoloCerve Bergamo, IT, IT
My personal love collection

Best Day Ever!
Gressa Olson Champaign, IL, US
The whole family saw a show together and it was the most amazing day ever! Worked on this piece months before because I was so excited. Happy Birthday Billy!

Maija Hamula , FI
Happy birthday Billy! See you in august in Finland. Kindly Maija (9. years)

Chris and Kim koep Fortine, US
Hope you can come to Montana..
Michael na, IE
Hi Billy
Happy Birthday. Thanks for all the amazing music over the years.
Muzzle, Contact, and the Infinite Happiness
Ambrose McDermott Armidale, NSW, AU
Happy Birthday, Billy! The memory I’d like to share is about my favourite song: Muzzle. I’ve loved it since I first read the lyrics in 1996. In 2005, during a rough patch, I made a video for it (featuring my local forest in Ireland), which helped me get through everything. I uploaded it to YouTube in 2007 and saw people linking it on MySpace, which I ended up joining. I got a friend request from an Australian girl and we became pen-pals. We then started a long-distance relationship, and I moved to Australia in 2012. We married in 2016 and now have two incredible children and a very happy life. None of this would have happened if you hadn’t written Muzzle, so I owe you my eternal gratitude for that, and for so many other things. Thank you for being you!
The show that would not end
Ethu Winchester, GB
I was at university in the 1990s and the Pumpkins played Birmingham NEC. At the end of the concert, Billy came back on stage and said that he would wave us all out. The crowd stopped leaving and eventually Billy had to give up waving and left the stage. It was only then that we all left!
Mellon Collie and my youth
Crystina Tamayo Pomona, US
The earliest memory I have of hearing SP for the first time was Mellon Collie and the Tonight Tonight song playing on MTV when I was about 11 years old. The video was mesmerizing, the song was amazing and opened up the doors to a whole new world of music that I never knew existed. I did hear the Gish album a few years before from my aunt who owned it and who is someone I looked up to. She had the best taste in music, clearly! I just want to say Mellon Collie got me through some tough times in my life and truly shaped me. I have been a fan ever since! I love the Smashing Pumpkins and Billy Corgan for life! Happy birthday Billy!
Anya Winchester, VA, US
My brother’s birthday is also today. My family and loved ones are filled with Pisces even though I am a Leo. Yesterday I found a photo of myself meeting Billy and giving him a Dahlia during his book signing. I had a panic attack in the bathroom afterwards. I have been a fan since ’92 and have been to countless shows, even befriending Lawrence and Bruce Knight. Always and forever!!

camperito Guatemala City, GT

From drawing Billy to actually seeing him
Anaïs Barcelona, ES, ES
I hardly ever go to concerts. I’m so used to listening to artists, drawing them, seeing them on social media… who would’ve thought that, not long after drawing this portrait, I would have him just a few meters in front of me, for the first time, after all these years 💖