Kevin Waters Reno NV, US
I remember watching the MTV video of tonight tonight. The music video and music wowed me. It stuck with me. Just this past week I did a photo shoot that was inspired by the song and video. It has a dark feel with creeping shadows. Victorian styled dress. As I photograph the model I was humming the song. I had an issue figuring out how to load a photo.
MagicalmomentsbyKevin fb
magicalmomentsbykevin insta
First band
Cheryl Poff Santa ana, California, US
Went to a sleepover in Jr. High and tonight tonight was the first music video I actually remember and fell in love with. I remember we went and listened to the whole album upstairs and she had a Billy Corgan shrine she had just made in her room. After listening I saved up all my baby sitting money to get the cassette. I remember she made fun of me. But it was all I could afford at the time. I would play that till it died.
Also remember getting in trouble in Washington D.C. cause bullet with butterfly wings came on MTV and my friends and I decided to do a mosh pit in our room.

Ditching School To Buy The Album/Picture Of Soma Shows.
NRG San Diego, California , US

Christian Santiago de Chile, CL
October 23, 1995, “Mellon Collie And The Infinite Sadness” was born, one of the most important albums of my life.
It was the first cassette I bought betting on a band I knew little about, and it was without a doubt the best musical decision of my 15 years just turned. I remember that I bought it at a record label of a white gallery on O’higgins street in Copiapó. It cost me 5,990 CLP, and it hurt to spend that money, I used to collect to buy known music, I already had a good part of the Soda Stereo discography, but some were missing, new music was coming out of the Chilean bands “los tres” and “la ley” Even though I bought “Invisible” from “La Ley”, I still invested in this double cassette, it was still cheap, two original tapes for 5,990 clp, a good price.
“Mellon Collie and the Infinite Sadness” opened my ears to louder, more powerful and melancholic sounds. From that day on I began to listen to more varied music, I put more ear to Nirvana and Pearl Jam, to listen to rock music in depth.
Hearing this record is a true luxury, because the name takes you into what the record means, a sway of loud and soft sounds, it reminded me of black and white, all in the same record, that was impressive, it was one of the cassettes that I have listened the most, and for the rest, of which I have taken the most care. The 5 singles that come off the album are jewels on their own, 1979 and 33 my favorite singles of my life. 1979 was probably the most famous, it sounded everywhere, and the video simply illuminated my 15 years wanting to live life like those video guys (then when I saw part II in the “perfect” video, I didn’t want that much anymore).
“Tonight Tonight” is one of the most beautiful songs I have heard, in a true example of what the whole album is, with a beautiful video that won the best video / song award from MTV 1996, it is a song you must hear in your life, and for those who know me best, they will know that this song is on the list to hear at my funeral.
Today he turns 25, and has aged as the best album of the band, Billy’s creative process was impressive, and it was demonstrated what genius he was to make this album, only in one room, there are no artists like him left.
It is simply one of the records that I always listen to, I have the pleasure of having the original version on vinyl, the double Chilean cassette version and the beautiful American version on double cd. The most beautiful thing in life, I saw it happen with these songs. Thanks to The Smashing Pumpkins
Best Night Ever
Jake Liverpool, GB
Got into SP late, I was 26 when I first bought and listened to MCIS. One song stuck out, Tonight, Tonight. Listened to it over and over again with my girlfriend, and we found something in it that really resonated with us. It became our song. Fast forward a couple of years to 2018 and we travelled to Bologna, Italy to see them live at the Unipol arena, front row to boot. I’ll never forget the shivers run up my spine and the rush of blood to every edge of my body, triggered by the emotionally fuelled intro to Tonight, Tonight. I held my girlfriend close. We both sang until it hurt. I nearly cried, and that is something I don’t remember doing for many years. There are things you’ll always remember, then there’s things you’ll never forget.
Billy’s voice saved me
Kris AU
I was suicidal.. for so long I was arrested. I was apparently dangerous to myself – but not others.
The only songs I wanted to hear were on MC&TIS.
Billy’s voice and my love for my daughter are the only reasons why I’m alive today.

Mónica GB
A rock song with strong & memorable poetry about hope. Unconventional drums, moving strings. The melody is captivating from the very first second.
A Lumiere-style video clip.
The never before seen concept. The novelty and freshness are unanimously embraced.
On repeat on MTV. No matter the repetitions, it is never enough. Recorded and added to my video playlist so that I can put the attention in every detail, in every shot.
Mesmerised every single time and forever inspired.
They must be something else because the band has an Asian guy and a girl as members and this act is indisputably celebrated, its musicianship is praised, its artistry statement accepted.
And beyond the iconic song and video, an album defining what epicness is in music.
My 50th birthday happy
Kris US
Told my 21 year old daughter that for my 50th birthday I wanted the lyric “And I still believe that I cannot be saved” 4 times around my arm plus she had to add cherry blossoms – because so pretty!

Life Changing then & now
Erik Fort worth, TX, US
Fan since ’92 at 10 y/o. I distinctly remember first hearing BWBW on the day of its release and saying “woah…is this Smashing Pumpkins?!” and instantly becoming more excited than I’d ever been waiting for release day. Told everyone I knew to go buy it, and waited eagerly for the day. My dad drove me to Best Buy to get it, and I remember the feeling of getting home, opening it up and being so blown away by the layers, textures, dynamics, lyrics, artwork…everything. A true masterpiece that was the soundtrack to my life then & now. Long, dark nights of depression that this record helped me through but now stands as a testament to life, love, and endless possibilities. Eternally grateful for this album.

Infinite Brightness
Miyu JP
Radio Dreams
Woo Baltimore, MD, US
I was in high school in ’95, and I had this cheap radio/cassette recorder that I would listen to before going to bed, usually to the big alt-rock station at the time (WHFS). I would have to put my ear right up next to it though, as the volume knob was broken and it would only play super quietly. SP was one of my favorite bands at the time, and one night the station started playing SP’s live debut of MCIS and I hit record on the cassette tape I had in there so fast. It was late at night but I just held my ear up to the radio for the entire performance and fell asleep elated after having heard one of the best albums of all time.
An Ode to No One
Bryant Lukes Prince George, BC, CA
I was 11. It was the first CD I ever bought. Bullet was devastating Muchmusic with the mood of emptiness, lathargy, hope, isolation, and bondage that I was feeling. “An Ode to No one” without the fuck you on the album back cover got it past my Mom’s censorship. An album of greaty beauty immediately fast forward to “here is no why”, “bullet”, and “to forgive”. No time to listen to it in its entirety until Friday… Cue Robert Smith..

Christmas Tour Tickets
Marquise Brack Seattle, WA, US
Growing up SP was my favorite band (and is!). When they were touring MCIS my parents told me I was too young to go to the concert (I was 10 and utterly devastated). Christmas Day came and the very last present under the tree was a pair of tickets to the Seattle show my Dad had gifted me. Sorry, Mom! Unforgettable show and the best Christmas gift of all time. Thanks, Dad!
I Will Always Remember….
Melissa Hartley Baltimore, MD, US
I remember getting Mellon Collie and the Infinite Sadness (double album) on the day it came out, October 24, 1995. It was on a Tuesday, remember when they would release albums on Tuesdays?? Those were the days! I was in 8th grade living my best life! I had saved my chore money to buy it. I came home did my homework right away. I just couldn’t wait until my dad got off work to take me to the music store to get it. As soon as he pulled in the driveway I ran to his truck! On the way I talked his poor ear off about how much I idolized the Smashing Pumpkins and that this record would be rocking! As soon as I entered the record store I took off! I couldn’t wait for my dad, I wanted that record! I remember just running over to the releases and there it was! I think I screamed and jumped up and down lol! When I got into the car I ripped open the plastic on the cd. I checked the cool art work throughout the inside. When I got home I rushed upstairs and put on the first cd….my young mind was blown. I then listened to the second cd….still I was blown away. I just couldn’t believe the sound that was coming from my speakers….I must have listened to it three before going to bed. I took it to school with me the next morning to show my friends and to listen to it on my disc-man at recess. I was totally in love with this record by far….Fast forward 25 years to 2020. I still listen to this record a lot. I can’t tell you how many times certain songs saved me from that album especially when I was super depressed and lonely over the years. It’s funny how I can sit here and remember that day back in 1995. To this day my love for the Smashing Pumpkins has never changed…

But no one’s asking for the truth, So let me tell you
Noni Newcastle, NSW, AU
I hesitated to submit anything here, because when I try to think back to those times, I mostly just feel detached. My brain put a lot of effort into sealing those kodak moments and a lot of that pain away, and the end result is that I don’t really remember a lot of details and I doubt my ability to genuinely convey the difference this album made to my tiny little world, Obviously in the end I decided to just blurt that out and let you all make of it what you will, because whilst 25 years later I might not be able to explain how I felt back then with any eloquence, I can confidently say that having that music to connect to, and giving me one small private space where it was ok to feel pain and rage and resentment and hurt and honesty and tenderness and hope and even just pleasure in the pure beauty of sound, that made all the difference in the world to me.
And I do believe that being fortunate enough to have the option of an emotional outlet that acknowledged and reflected the full variety of feelings that make up life, left me better off as a person. Life isn’t made up of just anger, or sadness, or happiness. It’s not just tender, or harsh, or warm, or cold. It’s all of those things and a million more and I think that’s something that MCIS demonstrates beautifully. I will always appreciate having the escape, and having that emotional outlet, but I think looking back as an adult I have a new found appreciation for the honesty and integrity of that larger statement, and for the personal investment it must have required to create a single work that encompasses so much.
Mellon Collie takes you by the hand, and leads you through, then tucks you safely into bed.
As Far As You Take Me
Chris Adelaide, AU
MCIS was the very first CD I ever had. I got a copy on my 12th birthday when I got my first CD player. I had seen the video clip for BWBW and I thought it was incredibly cool. I also liked the idea of getting a double album because it gave me more to listen to. My parents weren’t overly impressed by the track An Ode to No One, mainly because of the full title in the booklet (they were less impressed later that year when I purchased AntiChrist Svperstar, but that’s another memory).
I’m grateful for how good MCIS was, and the impact it has had on me. I became a guitarist because of this album, and for the past 25 years have made amazing friends and memories because of what this album inspired in me as a musician. If I had bought another CD I suspect my life would have been very different – this album has had such a big influence on me.
The silence of the middle 8…
Robb Swansea, GB
Seeing the live at Brixton (UK) on MTV made me realise that SPs were the best band in the world.. world .. world.. The silence for the middle 8 of BWBW and how perfectly they came back in. Full Tilt Incredible!!!!
Best lyric of all time….
And you know you’re never sure
But you’re sure you could be right
If you held yourself up to the light
(PS much better than ‘The Wall’)

Mellon Collie tour memories 95-97
Andrea IL, US
From hearing the album debuted live and in person at the Riv Oct of ‘95, to grabbing our first actual copy from Sam Goody in our local mall, the album has always been the soundtrack to our lives. It helped us get through some pretty hopeless times as teenagers. It’s stuck with us for 25 years and still has major significance, every single day.
Muzzle, In the Arms of Sleep, and Beautiful will always be my go to when I need to be comforted. The memories will always be with me! Thank you, SP, for a lifelong of amazing music.
First Album Purchased
Rachael Cary, NC, US
I was 8 years old when MCIS was released. It was the first album I ever purchased (on CD). I remember in 5th grade my music teacher at school let us bring in songs to play for the entire class and I picked “Tonight, Tonight”. This album and the songs still mean so much to me.
Lifting Spirits from the Depths of Hardship
Cyrus New York, NY, US
I was never an avid music lover and shamelessly bore that label for much of my youth, knowing nothing about SP except for one song: Cherub Rock, since it was available on Rock Band and, needless to say, the hardest song on which to play the drums.
When COVID-19 unleashed itself onto our fragile world and quarantine subsequently ensued, I figured it was time to expand and discover my empirical musical tastes. Now sitting in mandated isolation, I began exploring and took a chance on the Pumpkins. Gish and Siamese Dream earned their much-deserved praise, but nothing could’ve prepared me for the monster that was to immediately follow: MCIS. Furiously blasting metal riffs and simultaneously soothing the senses with ballads and pop harmonies, this beauty of a record has everything for any genre enthusiast. As I witnessed the world going mad and no longer making sense, for 2 hours those worries evaporated and I allowed myself to be immersed in Billy’s epic fantasy. No other album can recreate the awe of coming across such an art gem, instilling both joy and a renewed hope for a better tomorrow.
It all started…..
Rebecca Wemyss Ottawa, Ontario, CA
I get asked why I decided to learn how to play the cello. I decided the night of the 1996 MTV awards to learn how to play the cello solely because I thought ‘Tonight, Tonight’ was the best song I had ever heard. I loved the orchestral arrangement and wanted to learn how to play the cello at that exact moment. Almost 25 years later, I’m still playing the cello and so many opportunities have come my way because I decided at that exact moment to take music seriously
Swapping CDs on the school bus
Andrew Roanoke, VA, US
When I was in high school, my friend and I always switched CDs on the bus ride home and listen to each other’s music. Then I got into SP and for a week I listened to the first half of MCIS. My friend asked me to switch it up, so I put in the second half of MCIS. We quit swapping shortly thereafter.
First album I bought
Emily Parmelee, SD, US
MCIS was the very first album I bought with my own money. I had bought the BWBW cassette single and my preteen self was juat captivated. When I bought MCIS I opened the package, put it in my cd player and listened to the full album front to back singing along to every song with the lyric book included. I dunno how many times I did this, but I learned the words to every song. I know it’s cliche to say, but that album really did change my life in a musical sense and sel-expression sense. Music became a way for me to connect emotionally and let my feelings out by singing and listening to these songs. I had grown up listening to a lot of older music my parents listened to, but this year and with SP guiding my way, I found myself through music. And I love that with SP and BC I can still do that now with them as a 30-something adult. Thank you for the music all these years BC and SP. Forever a fan. Love Always, Emily
Best Concert Memory
Andrew Saco, Me, US
I used to work for the sole purpose of going to see live music. My friends and I were lucky to have lived in a time when everyone could still access floor seats to a concert.
We saw this tour stop in Hartford, CT. It was a fantastic show. After the encore everyone started to file out of the venue. I noticed the lights didn’t come up yet. After convincing my friends to stay put because the lights didn’t come up yet. We waited and we waited and after about 45 minutes the band came back out on the stage.
Billy took the mic and announced something along the lines of “now that the people who have heard their MTV hits have left we can play some music.” The Smashing Pumpkins played pretty much an entire extra set of new work, things you were working on, etc. What a great show.
Thanks for that memory.
I look forward to everything you have coming up.