Chip Off The Old Block
Craig Bird Texas, US
I’m only 16, but The Pumpkins are one of my all time favorite bands, thanks to my dad who was obsessed with the pumpkins when he was my age. Mellon Collie got me through tough times, just as Siamese Dream and Pieces Iscariot did. My all time favorite pumpkins track, Here is no Why, is on there.
The F Word
Brad Los angeles, CA, US
When I was 10 in 1996 i asked my mom to buy me the album. She finally agreed, being under the impression that SP was a “clean” band. I got the last copy of the cassette version in the store. I open it in the car and look at the artwork. Then I see the song title “Fuck You” and i thought if my mom sees this she’ll think i was hiding it from her and i’ll get in trouble, so i act all surprised and disgusted when i point it out to her. She gets mad but says i can keep the album as long as i dont listen to “that terrible, ugly song. I thought they were better than that!”

Tonight, Tonight
Sylvia Chastity Ingram McAllen, Texas, US
I have so many wonderful memories from MCIS era. The one that
will always stand out to me is the very first one. I was 10 years old and in
5th grade. One day, a boy I had a crush on was wearing a Pumpkins shirt and
singing “Tonight, Tonight” in class. I asked him what he was singing
and he told me it was The Smashing Pumpkins. Shortly after, I saw the video on
MTV. I was definitely intrigued by the music video but I originally tried to
get into it to impress the boy. I ended up developing the greatest love for SP
after this song. I was so in love with the strings that I joined Orchestra the
following year when I got to Middle School. I listened to Tonight, Tonight over
and over again until I learned to play along with the recording on my Viola. I
had my dad buy me the cassette tapes and listened to them over and over until
they eventually wore out. I had posters on my wall, a Pumpkins shirt for every
day of the week, and would write songs and lyrics all over my school notebooks.
I had my mom buy me some vinyl pants and I would wear them with my long sleeve
zero shirt to school. About 1 year later, my parents got divorced. I got
severely depressed and nothing comforted me quite like MCIS from start to
finish did. I would listen in my room in the dark, every night until I fell
asleep. To this day, I will run into old classmates and the one thing that they
remember about me was my love for The Smashing Pumpkins. The attached picture
is of my 6th grade Orchestra teacher and me.
three.thirty-one.two thousand six
Chris Blevins Webbville, KY, US
I was in charge of music for my wedding. I’ve always been a fan of the Smashing Pumpkins and I selected the title track from Mellon Collie and the Infinite Sadness as the song for my wife to walk down the aisle to. Probably ironic since I’m sure it’s supposed to be a sad song. However, it will remain, now and forever, a reminder of one of the happiest moments of my life. Every time I put that album on and that first track begins to play, I am always overcome with emotion. Thank you for that.
My 2nd Music Obsession
Bryan Oshkosh, US
It was the summer of 1997, I was about 11 or 12 years old. I was already a Rush fan thanks to my parents, but other than Rush I wasn’t a fan of any other band, until one day sitting in the backseat of my parents car on our way home from up north, a song played on the radio and it immediately captured me in a way that I made my mom turn it up, it was Tonight, Tonight. I had no clue who the band was but something about that song triggered me to wanna hear it again, after the station announced that the song was by Smashing Pumpkins I knew I had to hear more. A few days later my parents brought me to the mall and we stopped into a music store where I could pick up headphones and listen to sample tracks of popular albums, luckily Mellon Collie and the Infinite Sadness was one of them, after listening to 1979 and Zero, I begged my parents to buy me the CD, they did. I got home and played the shit out of that CD for WEEKS! From there on, I was a SP fan.
Fast forward 20 something years, I watched a Rush documentary film that had Billy in it, professing his appreciation of Rush. I had no idea! I laughed and said, yep…thats why I connected with SP.
Thank you, Smashing Pumpkins.
JERICO Obando, Bulacan, PH
Love, Sex, Drugs, Sadness, Regrets. mmuah….
Play Smahsing with my son Ernesto
Oscar Lima, PE
My son became a fan just like me, since he was little he already played the guitar and tried to get his songs out ... it is a pleasure to be able to pay a humble tribute to our most beloved band ... thanks to you I have fulfilled my dream of being able play with my son. It is a small extract, because due to the size of the video I could not send it ... in the complete video we played cherub, 1979 and Galopogos in a single version.
Infinite thanks...
MCIS – The Gateway to a Lifelong Obsession
Michele Pittsburgh, PA, US
Siamese Dream was where I first heard the Pumpkins, but MCIS is where I fully fell in love with them. I bought the double CD and played it so much I wore it out and had to buy a second copy. My best friend at the time was also a fan, and she actually got to go see the band on their tour and I recall being completely jealous that she got to go. I bought every magazine that had even a tiny photo of the band, and would cut the photos put and paste them to my wall in my bedroom. My favorite songs on the album were “In The Arms of Sleep”, “Thru The Eyes of Ruby”, “Bodies” and “Porcellina of the Vast Oceans”. The Pumpkins really helped me through a dark time when that came out and I credit them for literally saving my life.

Youth and first travel alone
Nayeli Ramos Mexico City, Mexico City, MX
It was my first time traveling out of Mexico, I was alone, I was 15 and I was in Canada. I went to the local record store wearing just a sweater in the middle of April’s snow . I bought MCIS and arrived home. The first time I played the record was extraordinary, I finally felt accompanied and at ease with myself even though I was in a strange place. This record made me embrace myself in a time full of doubts, oh! It was youth and rock and roll.
Jake and Billy: A Conversation
Jake Moskowitz Port Washington, New York, US
When I was 14, my Dad bought me VIP tix to see SP in Brooklyn. I asked Billy a question (see video)…this album and day saved my life!
I Used To Be a Little Boy
Brooke H. Yorktown, IN, US
I was around seven years old when this album came out. SP was the first rock band I started to like multiple songs from. I remember I used all allowance I saved up to buy MCIS (around $25 at the time) and it was the first CD I purchased myself. As far as I remember, it was also the first purchase I had made that was solely my decision and no one influenced it at all. It was and still is a great album. I was obsessed with “Thirty Three” which is still my favorite number and I even covered it in the last band I was in. Thank you SP for the years of continued music! ❤️
Falling in love
Lizzie Mason , US
My boyfriend and I bonded over our love of SP. I realized I was in love with him while he was singing along to Tonight, Tonight
11th Birthday
I bought the cassette version with my birthday money. It’s the only cassette i still have. I still remember getting home, running upstairs and playing it in my bedroom. Just incredible. There isn’t enough words to describe how much this album shaped the person I am today.
History in the making
Øystein Reinertsen Oslo, NO
I was sitting in the living room with my parents November of 95, doing some last minute studying for a history test the next day. It was late in the evening, and the tv was on. I didn’t pay much attention to it, as it was a program I wasn’t very fond of. Towards the end of the show they announced that a band was out with their new single, and they were going to premiere their new music video. When I heard the words “The world is a vampire”, and the music started, my eyes were transfixed upon the tv and I immediately knew that this song was special. Couldn’t remember the name of the band, though. The next day after school, I went back to my best friends house and I asked him if he knew what song I had heard. He just smiled and pulled out Mellon Collie and played the whole album for me. That was the start of a long and everlasting love for the band. I also got to see them for the first time in April of 96, during their European tour, in Oslo, which cemented my everlasting love for the band.
Anita Fnugg NO
The soft intro title song really sets the tone with it’s contrast to the rest, with it’s piano and violins. I love the orchestra in tonight…🤩 But my favourite is an ode to no one, and especially the transition from «lost my innocence to a no good girl» to «and I give it all back to you» This pause in the song is simply magic! And, as always, Billy’s vocal, bursting with emotion, hits me so hard. I Don’t even have the words…. So much love for this album, my heart breaks❤️
Midnight Release
James Braglia Chicago, IL, US
The night of release I was living in Carbondale, IL on the SIU campus. A few friends and I lined up outside the record store of the Main Street drag to buy Mellon Collie & The Infinite Sadness at the midnight release. We all got CD copies, which I still own. That night I listened to every track, it all blew me away.
Becky Marietta, GA, US
My first time hearing Smashing Pumpkins was in 8th grade, 1995, when my crush at the time had a band called Emerald City. They covered Today. He would play it for me over the phone after school on his guitar. I was mesmerized… I fell in love with the song (and the guy) and to this day it’s my favorite song ever. The summer of ’96 I got my first job and had money in my pocket. I went to the local Wal-Mart and purchased Mellon Collie, took it home and listened to it all the way through while flipping through the beautiful artwork that came with the cd. I don’t have a favorite song, I love them all. That summer I became a huge SP fan, smoked weed for the first time, made friends that I would ramble around with throughout high school getting into trouble (but rarely getting caught haha) and in general becoming a heathen, with SP being the soundtrack. Best memories ever.
Justin Chicago Illinois, US
This was the first album I paid for with my own money. I remember it being sold out everywhere I went with my mom and how excited I was when I got it. I played it constantly and when I hear it I can close my eyes and see myself in my room with my cd player.. Good times.
A 13 year old’s first concert
Edi Phoenix, US
I was 13 years old when I attended my first concert. After being sucked into the magical realm of pumpkinland from hearing SP tunes on the radio, watching their artistic videos on Mtv, and begging my mom to buy me the 2 disc opus at Costco, I just wanted to see my new heroes live and on stage for what would become my first concert ever. My mom wouldn’t take me so she had my older cousin Lupita take me. It was at the San Jose Arena, and on a school night lol. I’ll never forget when Garbage opened, what a great act it was. But I still dream and vividly remember the moment Pumpkins went on stage to the intro track. And then with a loud bang they began their set list to the sound of roaring guitars and thunderous drums, it was friggin loud and it was so damn awesome. Billy with his Zero shirt led the band through a very well thought out song list like a conductor leading his orchestra through an opera. The energy and the magic was all there. I remember that was the moment I wanted to become a musician myself. I am 37 years old now, still in a band, got my own recording studio, and now I’m teaching my kids to be musicians themselves. I still play MCIS as well as all their other albums whenever we go on road trips and every time I feel 13 years old again, seeing Billy on stage giving the cue for the next song.
Record Store Memory
I was 20, my then fiance had just gotten pregnant and we needed extra money. So I started working a part-time job at a record store for the holidays, Record Town at the Topanga Mall in Woodland Hills, CA.
I remember the promo version of the album being there, and the staff always got to claim “dibs” on them. Which I did. But not after playing it each and every shift for the three months I worked there. I absolutely fell in love with the album and it was the soundtrack of one of the most important times in my life. We even listened to the album on our way to get married in Vegas in December, 1995. We’re still married to this day.

Taylor B Des Moines, IA, US
My father introduced me to “Pumpkins” as we call you. I was very young when my father used to play the album for holidays and we spent a lot of time trying to learn Mellon Collie and the Infinite Sadness on the piano by only listening. After our piano went out of tune, we would continue sharing this song by singing along. This song and album have always been our go-to. My father passed unexpectedly last year and every time I hear a song from this album, it brings me back to the days of laughing and singing in the living room or kitchen.
Because of this song and album, I’m able to remember my father in the best way.
Thank you ❤️

Gone Titles, Forever Memories
Brad white Oneonta, AL, US
The night before Mellon Collie and the Infinite Saddness came out, the band played Live at the Rivera in Chicago and the show was syndicated to a station here in Birmingham, Alabama. I stayed up on a school night and recorded the entire show on my boombox. The next day my sister asked me if I wanted to go buy the album with her. I was hoping she would ask me because I was itching to go and she had wheels to take us. After school we bought the cassettes so we could jam out to them in her glorious 80’s blue mustang on the way to school everyday. I opted for the CD’s but she insisted on the cassettes. Over time, these cassettes got played in my portable cassette player so much from long car rides, mowing grass, or falling asleep to them while playing, all the writing has diminished from them. After a while of saving lunch money, I bought the cd version of the album. To this day, I cannot find the original holders for the cassettes. But I do have the long box incasement for them that held them before they went to the smaller version.
Me and My Girlfriend
Merry Richmond, Va, US
My then girlfriend and I met through our mutual love for the pumpkins, and most of our relationship was spent talking about how much we adored Mellon Collie, analyzing our favorite songs and what made the album so great. Now that we’re engaged, those memories are still fresh in my mind 🙂
1979 cover
Jace Matthews Burlington, NC, US
My high school band mates and I covering 1979 at a local restaurant in Burlington, NC. MCIS had a massive influence on us and even though the guitarist on the left passed earlier this year; I will always treasure the affinity we shared for Smashing Pumpkins, and all of the times we shared a stage covering some of our SP favorite songs.

“Just a Young Girl Raiding Her Sister’s Music Collection
Marissa Danielle Niles, IL, US
When I first discovered MCIS, I was 14, just a young girl raiding her sister’s music collection that was kept off limits! I’ll admit I would wait for her to leave, and listen to the album from start to finish, reading along the with the lyrics, and would be captivated by the beauty and artistry of everything with MCIS. It became my routine, every weekend on Fridays usually just me and the music, discovering MCIS with such excitement! As I listened more I grew to develop a deep love and appreciation of SP. I instantly was moved by Thirty-Three, Tonight, Tonight, and Cupid De Locke which would transport me into another dreamlike world that no other music has ever done (or at least since I discovered The Beatles). It was pure magic, and I will always remember MCIS this way!