Tonight, Tonight Moon Tattoo and Box Set
Austin Philadelphia, PA, US
I discovered Mellon Collie in 2012 during prom. The beautiful songs spoke to me like no album I’d heard before. It just so happened that my drive to and from college was exactly the length of the album, so I listened to it through sunsets into nighttime dozens of times, ending each drive in sublime melancholy.
Fabio de Siqueira Paiva Jacareí São Paulo, BR
Foem 1996,eu tinha 21 anos,estava no 2 ano de faculdade,gostava de uma bela menina ruiva chamada Renata,foi muito triste porque ela não quis namorar comigo e fiquei muito magoado e melancólico,e a música 1979 tocava no rádio o dia todo,e eu voltei da casa dela triste e decepcionado ouvindo está música..estranho porque na época ela já tinha um ar nostálgico,e hoje 25 anos depois é ainda mais,melancólica inclusive,mas muito bela
The indescribable moments of your life …
Holli Alison Princeton, NJ, US
Unwrapping MCIS on Christmas morning made my 7th grade heart almost burst. I’d heard the hits, I knew the lyrics, I begged for the t-shirts, my room was plastered with posters and magazine clippings, but the physical album was by far my favorite present that year. It meant I could listen to my favorites on repeat and dive much deeper into my fandom. Leafing through the liner notes still makes me happy and brings me back to that morning. For many many years, we made a 2-hour-each-way car trip every weekend to our cabin that I resented, which meant my solace was my discman and I in the backseat for those 2 long hours. Every. Single. Weekend. I literally cannot choose a favorite song because they were ALL favs at one point or another and all got equal “repeat” button action. When I think of those years of my life, MCIS is the soundtrack- not just for long car rides where I got lost in my happy SP world, but also the school dances where I prayed my fellow SP loving crush would dance with me to Tonight, Tonight (and it finally f-ing happened!), the death of a friend in those youthful years, etc. etc. I don’t just have one memory of this album, this album practically IS all of those middle-school-years memories. Over the years, it’s been there, like an old friend and I can always count on it to pull me out of a bad mood or let me slip away into my happy place. I’ve only grown fonder of the soaring heights and intense lows over the years, always finding and appreciating new elements no matter how often I listen. Thank you for this masterpiece.
My First Album Purchase Ever!
Stacy NY, US
Mellon Collie was the first album I purchased! I was 13 years old and went to Tower Records to check it out in the listening booth after being mesmerized by the “Tonight Tonight” music video. I walked out with the double cassette 🙂

My First Pumpkins Concert
Paul Corbett Cannock, Staffordshire, GB
After only hearing ‘Today‘ on a compilation album, I knew I needed To hear more of The Smashing Pumpkins. As I hung around HMV trying to decide which album I should buy, I overheard a girl tell her friend that “the new Pumpkins album is meant to be amazing“. So I picked up MCIS and paid for it, but at some point put the bag down and lost it! So my Dad being the kind guy he is bought me another copy. It was beyond anything I ever expected. It was the most I had been excited about a band since I first heard The Beatles. So much diversity in sound! Lyrics that blew my mind! And so began a life long devotion to The Smashing Pumpkins. I even started a band and named it Zero. I will always be grateful.
Catalyst to my music career.
Edzel Manila, PH
“Bullet with Butterfly Wings” was one of our repertoire at a battle of the bands contest. Yeah we didn’t win, but it would serve as a catalyst to my music venture as a musician and event organizer on a music festival that we’ve established.
Euphoric Sunset Drives
John Illinois , US
During a rough patch of my life one summer I began to go to the gym to improve myself. Everytime I would drive home it would be sunset and I was blasting songs in the car such as Thirty-Three and Galapagos. As my physical, mental, and spiritual health improved tremendously, this album stuck with me. Listening to some of the songs now brings back the absolute euphoric feeling of “everything is going to be alright” from those car rides. This album is forever stuck with me and I couldn’t be happier because it’s some of my favorite music of all time.

Time is never time at all
Travis Love Fort Lauderdale, FL, US
I purchased MCIS for my neighbor who was giving me a ride to school at the time of its release as a thank you. I was 14 at the time and after hearing a few songs on the way to school I had to purchase my own copy. Front to back this album really defined this time in my life! In high school they would play the music videos on the TV in the classrooms on “Channel One”. I was lucky enough to see SP live in 96 in Jacksonville in support of this album.
I drew the hourglass with wings on my skateboard at the time and would have it tattooed on my leg some 18 years later. 10 years after its release I almost wore out my original CD’s while making the 4+ hour drive back and forth to college.
25 years later MCIS is still in my daily playlist while at work. Each song brings me back to a time and place and has a specific memory attached to it. This album is a masterpiece that I grow more found of as the years go by! I still at times find myself hearing things I never heard before and finding connections to the lyrics as I grow older.
Little Gestures Mean a Lot
Kat Pinehurst, ID, US
My family was visiting me at college last year, and my dad and brother bought me a MCIS t-shirt. SP has been my favorite band since I was 12, and this small surprise meant so much to me. I wear the shirt proudly and often!
The Day My Life Changed
Bobby Foote Broken Arrow, Oklahoma, US
I had already been exposed to the Pumpkins via Siamese Dream, but I never had the connection until MCATIS. I was 18 or 19 and in a weird place. Living with a roommate I wasn’t getting along with, life was not fun. I remember sitting on my couch watching videos on MTV when Bullet With Butterfly Wings came on. I just sat there, enthralled, mesmerised, in awe. Who is this band that knows what I feel like? How do they know the thoughts in my head? How is this possible. I must watch this again. and again. and again. I was hooked. That song was me in that moment. I was one with it. I never felt more of a connection than I did at that moment. Later that day I had a friend come over and I was telling him about this awesome band and song that I heard and I said I’ve got to get that album. He goes, hey man, I just bought that CD do you want to borrow it? the answer of course was yes. It’s funny, because I still have his copy of the CD. I just bought him a new one because I had had such a sentimental attachment to the one I borrowed from him. To this day, The Smashing Pumpkins are my favorite band. I collect as much as I can. Long Live The Smashing Pumpkins!
Rachelle Edmond, US
We got married April 13, 1996. We bought this album on our honeymoon. We are still going strong and still listening to this album. My anniversary present in 2018 was to finally see Smashing Pumpkins live!
Lilly mi imposible love
Vlad MX
A few months ago i discovered the song Lily (My One And Only), and i was really obsessed with that song, because reminds me a girl who i meet a long ago, her name was Lilly, with the pass of the time i realized that i’m the guy in the song, because she don’t wants me, and i’m just like stalking her but i know that she will never love me, Lily my one and only ❤️
Cherry Onion
Cameron Salt Lake City , US
I bought the albu,. I lisetened to the album and it is still one of my favorite albums ever.
And I thought to myself, “man, this would make a great story to tell someone someday!”
My first CD
Nuno Porto, PT
My sister gave me the Mellon Collie for my birthday. I started listening the second CD and for 5 seconds I thought that the CD was broken haha thanks older sis
Beautiful Album
Brandon Myers Kenova, US
MCIS is truly a beautiful album and I like to think of it as the perfect album to fall in love to. There’s too many points of my life where I can relate a song on MCIS to stuff that happened or I’m going through. Thank you Billy, keep rocking!
Bullet with Butterfly Wings
Crystal Las Vegas, NV , US
I was 10 years old when I started listening to SP, I was fascinated with everything Bullet with BFW, the lyrics, the video cinematography, Billie’s Zero Tee that I was too young to purchase myself and my parents wouldn’t get for me….and when I brought their album – my very first CD in fact – I was hooked. I can listen to every song over and over for 26 more years and never get bored. Tonight tonight is wonderfully made, how can something so sad be so beautiful… my favorite lyrics besides “Despite all my rage I am still just a rat in the cage” is from Zero: “Intoxicated with the madness, I’m in love with my sadness… I never led on that I was on a sinking ship, I never let on that I was down”
Nostalgic beginnings
Eric Bertrand Chippewa Falls, US
It’s more of a collection of memories and places that revolved around people and places in my hometown. Of course relationships that existed and never were but it’s the idea that came from it. A genuine sense of wonder enveloped in magic.
A familiar place
Alondra MX
It was right before the Y2K. I had just moved to a new country with my belongings in a backpack. Mellon Collie was the first album I bought with my money after I started working. I had a room in an apartment with brown carpet and no furniture in it. I would spend hours in there listening to my album; you see, there were no cell phones or social media back then, so listening to music was my favorite pastime. Eventually I learned all the lyrics, I knew that album like the back of my hand. Those were strange times, between the move and the whole Y2K craze, people storing food supplies and stuff and I had nothing, so I hoped for the best and took refuge in my music. Mellon Collie always felt familiar, like a home; and to this day, when I hear one of the songs I can’t help but sing along 🙂
Singing on the rain
Hugo Rodrigues PT
Cascais, May 2, 1996, two hours of phenomenal rain concert. The first and best of many live concerts in Portugal. Days after the concert, i read an announcement in the Blitz music journal of one guy that have record the concert on tape. I buy the tape, which I still keep today. My precious.
1979 Life.
Amor Valdovinos Las Vegas, NV , US
I always tell everyone 1979 is my favorite song ever. One of my friends recreated the whole entire music video for me, even paid a store clerk to let us “steal” slushees from them. We cranked the album and drove in the dark to a party by the lake, as I screamed the lyrics from the open sunroof. Considerably one of the best days of my life.

That sweet Music
Chris Tunbridge Gloucester , GB
The first time I listened to this Master Piece I was transformed to a magical place of sonnets and Billy Corgans beautiful voice it felt like the Smashing Pumpkins had created a different memory and feeling for every song on the album.i first was introduced to this great band on Top of The Pops watching Butterfly with the Broken Wings music video and a later date a live performance of Tonight Tonight.
Mellon Collie transforms me to a place I love and cherish everytime I revist listening to it.
It is a classic that will never age and is in my top 5 albums of all time.

Speak to me in a language I can hear
Chad Calahan Jacksonville, NC, US
Thirty-three still resonates with me. This song and others got me through tough times living with divorced parents. I drew this in High School Design class circa 1995-96. Billy vocals are amazing and is what truly makes the Smashing Pumpkins
it was like heard an eden
VIOLETA Córdoba, Córdoba, AR
I was 14 y-o and I was feeling deeply lost, didn’t know what to do, where to go, who i was. I listened to one song and i loved it, so i decided to close the door and put this album. It was like hear an Eden.
Since that day, when I feel lost, i find myself on Mellon Collie. (so sorry for my bad english haha)