We Only Come Out at Night
Sebastian los angeles, ca, US
This song has always been such a curious piece of art, i always found it simultaneously beautiful, whimsical, and a little bit silly/lighthearted. Anyway, i had been teaching a friend to play bass and this seemed like the perfect song and as we went along learning it, we both started to have very interesting dreams…
Mics- and the peace and love I gained
Melissa McGinnis Houston, Texas , US
When I think about this album, I take a deep breath, close my eyes and smile. I’m taken back to 1996. To a time in my youth when I found a s grew in love. I was a senior in high school. I met my first real boyfriend. I can remember listening to muzzle, and thirty-three and in the arms of sleep while laying in his bed, him playing in my hair. Napping, making love. Really starting to not just like myself, but seeing myself thru someone else’s eyes to learn to love myself. When I hear the album intro it takes me back. And I remember this perfect time In my life with such clarity.
Magic was made to this wonderful double album.
Expanding My Horizons
Daniel Moe, Vic, AU
Being a teen through most of the 90’s, i should have been in the right place and time to enjoy the best “alt-rock” during its prime… but unfortunately i spent the first half of the decade obsessing over electronica. Epic songs like Smells like Teen Spirit and Bullet with Butterfly Wings, etc, just sort of blurred into my background… but when i saw the video for Tonight Tonight, my attention was caught and kept! It was such an emotive story with perfect visual appeal that i immediately paid more attention to the music. This video single handedly cured my single mindedness toward music and opened me up to Rock and other genres. I wish i had been on board to enjoy other greats like Nirvana, Radiohead, Dinosaur Jr, Sonic Youth etc, from the start… but better late than never! Thank you always for this album and the epic videos that went with it. Pure art.
Intro to rock
Frank Maryville, TN, US
The smashing pumpkins are the band that got me into music! I was in sixth grade when I got Mellon collie.
I just remember having a the joy of listening to what I thought was the most bad ass album! Soft and beautiful meets rock! How does this exist so perfectly? Just an amazing sound. Through and through!
I would put my headphones on and play both albums start to finish, n64 just came out so I would play mc on repeat while I played at time best graphics video game.
I’m sure their are way cooler memories or stories. But the smashing pumpkins Mellon collie was my first rock album and the reason I got into music. I’m forever grateful for that! Will always be one of my all time favorite albums!
When I first discovered SP
Lawro Orpington, GB
I first heard 1979, Tonight, Tonight, and Bullet with Butterfly Wings back in 1996, on a mixtape my sister had recorded over time from the radio. Back when songs lasted more than a few weeks in our consciousness. I was ten, and we were on our way to the UK from South Africa for a family holiday. No three songs had ever struck me so hard, and shortly afterwards I bought the MCIS double CD album. The rest is history; SP defined my music taste throughout my teenage years, and I’m still a big fan now in my mid thirties. MCIS is where it all started.
Erin102 Wasaga Beach, Ontario, CA
Stole Mellon Collie from my sister, listened to it to fall asleep every night for years. Bullet With Butterfly Wings was my go to angry song when I couldn’t stand my life
Shakedown 1979
Carlo Angelo Manila, PH
Bought the double cassette late ’95. I saw Bullet once on MTV and super excited for SP’s new album. At the time I already have Siamese Dream and Pisces Iscariot for a year or so. I remember sitting in front of the stereo all the way through, following the lyrics through the inlay sheet. They look so cool in the group photo! When 1979 came on I thought, “this is going to be a huge hit, lots of people will love this song”. That the song I gravitated to because that’s my birth year. I was 15 at the time.

“Thatnight, thatnight”
Pavel Reyes Bayamo, Granma, CU
In the late 90´s, back when I was a kid, Rock music was kind of forbidden in my country for political reasons, there was only one show on TV that included every once in a while a couple of Hard Rock video clips late at night, but I was already in love with Rock and Heavy Metal by
then and that music healed me from the tough days I had, becoming an adolescent and living the worst economic crisis we have ever had in this country before or after.
One of those nights watching the show, waiting for the new clips late at night, there appeared a new band I didn´t know that started to play a song making use of Georges Méliés´ paraphernalia in his classic film “A Trip to the Moon”, right there my world stopped for about 4 minutes. It was simply amazing, I loved their music from that moment on, that song spoke straight to my heart and the visuals caught my attention equally. I took my notebook in a rush and wrote down: The Smashing Pumpkins – “Mellon Collie and the Infinite Sadness” and started from that day on a hunt to see where I could find a copy on a cassette of the whole album or at least that incredible song. Some years later I met a girl who had it on a tape that brought her father from the U.S. and then I knew what I suspected: I just enjoyed and LOVED the whole album and it made me a HUGE fan of the band until today.
Almost 20 years later I had the chance to travel to Germany and go for the first time in my life to a Rock Music Store. You may guess which was the first CD I bought there…
Lifetime Fan!
Jared Nichols Mesa, AZ, US
Alternative and grunge hit the scene just as I truly came into musical awakening. Nirvana may have ignited it, but it was the unique sounds of Siamese Dream that solidified my love of music.
When Melon Collie and the Infinite Sadness released, I was near the end of my High School journey and a group of friends attended the concert in Phoenix, AZ…on my birthday. I have never missed a Pumpkins concert in AZ since. I even have the black long sleeved Zero shirt from that day.
I introduce my brother to the Pumpkins with this album (who has posted his own memory) and is my constant companion to every show…we’ve even travelled to other states to see Billy’s solo act and the reunion tour three times.
Mellon Collie solidified my love for music and the Smashing Pumpkins are to this day, my favorite band.

When I was young
Hallie Corvallis, OR , US
When I was 11 or so, I was in my dads garage when Bullet with Butterfly Wings came on the radio, I thought, I’ve always loved this song and will always remember it. I never thought it would open up this huge creative side of me, all my art work and everything I put my mind to I always think of this album and creativity flies, it’s just so inspiring for me and I’m sure other people as well.
Changed my life
Eben Las Vista, NE, US
I remember being 15 years old and listening to the album. My friends would want me to go out with them, but I was like “sorry, I can’t stop listening to this album”. It blue my mind. It was like seeing a new color for the first time. I couldn’t imagine it. It was then that I decided to learn how to play guitar, so I could figure out how they were making all the sounds they did. 25 years later I’m still doing that haha
A melancholy to Forgive
Grace Ashworth California, US
My mother showed me the Smashing Pumpkins when I was very young. I’ve been listening to the them my entire life. The first album I can consciously remember listening to was Mellon Collie and Infinite Sadness. As a kid I had this constant existential crisis going on. Why did I exist and why was I going to die. Overall I was just a melancholy kid. For some reason, when I think back on my childhood, I think of this album. Something in the words and somber tone of some of the songs makes the lonely, sad child in me feel understood. In specific I have always related to: To forgive specifically.

Believe in me as I believe in you
Gloria MacKinnon Hamilton, Ontario, CA
Born in 84, when this album released I was coming of age, developing my own musical taste, form of expression and personhood. This album shaped that. With my babysitting money I got the double cassette and wore it out. With my earbuds in, it was the first time I heard music as art and it became one of the soundtracks of my life. It will always be. I’ve celebrated with it, I cried with it, I’ve loved with it, I’ve lost with it. This album is a part of me til the end.
Guess and Check
Michael Urbana Ohio, US
I fell in love with the song Tonight Tonight. Except I only ever heard it on the radio and I never heard the DJ say the name. I knew it was by The Pumpkins. I started buying their albums looking for it. Siamese Dream, Pisces Iscariot, then Gish, and finally MCIS. Such a tremendous album. All the others too. Huge fan. Greatful to the Lord for this band and their music.
The power, fury and beauty that is Mellon Collie
Justin Moose jaw , CA
I remember walking to the mall with my birthday money just to buy mellon collie on double cassette. I popped into my walkman and was taken on a musical journey, through emotions and thoughts I was begging to feel in my young teen mind. Billy Corgan said things I wanted to scream. The lyrics and music were so epic and intense .The artwork was so amazing and beautiful even though it was tiny. Through the years I would get to see the details better by first rebuying the album on CD and then on vinyl.

High School and a Record Shop
Duncan Lang Toronto, Ontario, CA
Back in high school, my parents separated. On a weekend I was spending with my dad, he took me to a big record shop in Toronto and I stumbled across the CD. He told me he thought I’d like it based on the music I’d been really jiving with at the time, so he bought it for me. The album helped me through some of the toughest periods in my teenage years and I still think of that day in the record shop with my dad every time I listen to the album.

The perfect mixtape
Tu Montréal, Québec, CA
Having no CD player in ’96, I made a mixtape at my friend’s place. I was constantly listening to Here Is No Why and Muzzle back-to-back because they are the same length and they were exactly on the opposite side of each other… They still are to this my favorite Pumpkins songs.
Farewell and Goodnight
Matthew Richmond, VT, US
My friend passed away from suicide earlier this year, and everyone was completely unaware of what he was going through at the time. The lyrics to Farewell and Goodnight have helped me accept it and remember him for who he was, not his final actions. It helped me see that I can’t hold actions against people as well, and that it is important to always make time for other people, especially in times like now. Since then, I have listened to this album countless times, pressing repeat on songs such as here is no why, Galapagos, and beautiful until I knew the songs note for note. I will forever be thankful for this album and what is has brought me.
High School Musical Heights
Brett Dayton, NV, US
I remember being introduced to the Smashing Pumpkins by a former friend of mine, back in high school. This was the first album we listened to, and I know I was late to the party, but I have been a loyal fan ever since.

A melancholy October
samantha OH, US
In the summer of 1996, my parents met. My Dad was nineteen years old; musically into post-grunge, nu-metal, and horrorcore rap. My Mom was thirty-six, just recently went through a very bad divorce. Her ex-husband was a real asshole who left her for another woman (he had cheated on her with) because she was willing to have numerous threesomes with any female at the local bar. Well, despite the age gap, they fell in love. My Mom’s favorites artists were Bob Dylan and The Moody Blues. My Dad, fond of the Smashing Pumpkins unconsciously created a bond between their music tastes. Probably like most boomer parents of the 1990s; she admired the ’70s nostalgia of the pumpkins. She always collected vintage antiques and toys; victorian aesthetics were always a part of her. So to no surprise, the album also caught her attention. “That album was the soundtrack to our life, that played as we fell in love.”
She used to draw pictures of him with his exact features before he was ever born. He resembled a young Chino Moreno from Deftones, in my opinion. We have a home video from october of 1996 and during the last few seconds, a recording of the local radio announces the popularity of ‘mellon collie & the infinite sadness’ as the camera focuses on him working on an automobile. Years later, as I claim mellon collie as my favorite album (and smashing pumpkins being my favorite band) I can’t help but feel it was always fated.
Guest room closet
Carter Golden, US
I have many and a large variety, so special, but one is a very special memory with my girlfriend. I got to visit her over Christmas break and the day i flew down and finally got to see her (always warm fuzzy and euphoric) she was wearing a mellon collie t shirt. I won’t get into all the details of how that memory and that t shirt got more special….. but believe me it’s a very special memory for me. I could write 20 pages on all my cherished memories that this album happened to be the soundtrack to, and I’m not even very old. Sorry that’s not more interesting but it would just take too long to explain the story of this album in my life.
Mysterious Musical Independence
Chris S. Ripley, WV, US
I was 11 years old and saw MCIS sitting by itself on the shelf in my house. I was drawn to the cover art. It was open, but my parents had no idea where it came from. They didn’t recognize the band. Their best guess was a friend of theirs brought it over and left it, but the friend denied it. I popped the CD in and have been in love with the band ever since. SP were the first band I “discovered” on my own, all thanks to that album that mysteriously appeared on the shelf.

Time is never time at all
Noah Sidel Montreal, Quebec, CA
Johanna and I met in camp 1997 & didn’t see each other for exactly 10 years. We re-connected & our first date was to see SP play Osheaga in Montreal in 2007.
They played Tonight, Tonight and I said randomly “Time is never time at all, you can never ever leave without leaving a piece of youth” was my high school yearbook quote… she looked at me at said “me too!” We didn’t go to the same school and had no idea.
13 years and 3 kids later, we’ve been all over North America to see the Pumpkins (Seattle, Boston, Toronto & of course Montreal).
Our story will always be connected to MCIS.
Skipping School
Jordan Kirkpatrick Springfield, MO, US
When I was in fifth grade, melancholy and the infinite sadness was just released. I was in school that day and my mom called me out to go to the “dentist”. She actually called me out just so we could get a copy of melancholy and the infinite sadness at our local record store. I’ll never forget how cool that was and how bad ass that record was. I am 34 years old now and Smashing Pumpkins is still my favorite band. I love my mom.