Tonight, Tonight

I have so many wonderful memories from MCIS era. The one that
will always stand out to me is the very first one. I was 10 years old and in
5th grade. One day, a boy I had a crush on was wearing a Pumpkins shirt and
singing “Tonight, Tonight” in class. I asked him what he was singing
and he told me it was The Smashing Pumpkins. Shortly after, I saw the video on
MTV. I was definitely intrigued by the music video but I originally tried to
get into it to impress the boy. I ended up developing the greatest love for SP
after this song. I was so in love with the strings that I joined Orchestra the
following year when I got to Middle School. I listened to Tonight, Tonight over
and over again until I learned to play along with the recording on my Viola. I
had my dad buy me the cassette tapes and listened to them over and over until
they eventually wore out. I had posters on my wall, a Pumpkins shirt for every
day of the week, and would write songs and lyrics all over my school notebooks.
I had my mom buy me some vinyl pants and I would wear them with my long sleeve
zero shirt to school. About 1 year later, my parents got divorced. I got
severely depressed and nothing comforted me quite like MCIS from start to
finish did. I would listen in my room in the dark, every night until I fell
asleep. To this day, I will run into old classmates and the one thing that they
remember about me was my love for The Smashing Pumpkins. The attached picture
is of my 6th grade Orchestra teacher and me.