Time to grow up…

95 was my senior year in college and had only discovered the SP a year before during Lollapalooza 94.  Now MCIS comes out 10/24, a week before  my bday.  I bought MCIS, made a cassette copy and gave it to the girl of my dreams.  I graduate December 95,  and don’t land a job till May 96… In those 5 months, I lost my girl, my bank account went almost to 0 without a job and no one was hiring at the time. I occupied myself by continuously listening to MCIS trying to decipher it and my life.  I realized during reflection I was a childish prick.  Fast forward to August 96, I am in West Kalimantan Indonesia, working 6 days a week, blasting MCIS at the man camp I was living in finally feeling that I needed to stay in this world.