
Tonight I’m reminiscing about this album. I often do lately in these weird times. The first time I listened to this album was in 2015, when I was 14 and going through a really, really rough time personally, like most teenagers do. I would go nuts to the rock songs on the record and scream them in class with my friends back then. Now, 19, I find myself more fascinated by the artwork of the record and its imagery. It reminds me of when I was a child and those space-ish wallpapers that my mum put in my bedroom and that careless magic in the air that I used to feel. Now I’m becoming an adult and about to face real life and I tend to rely on the more soft, nostalgic songs on this record like Tonight Tonight, the beautiful title track, 33, Cupid de Locke and so. Every time I feel like going to a mental paradise outside real life I put on that record and fly, feel. I look at the artwork and it makes me think of space, night, and it kinda reminds me of that beautiful gag on The Simpsons where Homer falls asleep in his car and goes to a magic place called Slumberland. I’m more sensitive now than I was then I guess (and with a whole lot of sleeping problems lol). This is one of the albums of my life and a safe place for me for sure. Happy anniversary! I’ll carry it with me forever.
