MCIS – The Gateway to a Lifelong Obsession

Siamese Dream was where I first heard the Pumpkins, but MCIS is where I fully fell in love with them. I bought the double CD and played it so much I wore it out and had to buy a second copy. My best friend at the time was also a fan, and she actually got to go see the band on their tour and I recall being completely jealous that she got to go. I bought every magazine that had even a tiny photo of the band, and would cut the photos put and paste them to my wall in my bedroom. My favorite songs on the album were “In The Arms of Sleep”, “Thru The Eyes of Ruby”, “Bodies” and “Porcellina of the Vast Oceans”.  The Pumpkins really helped me through a dark time when that came out and I credit them for literally saving my life.