Hot Vibes and College Converts

I vividly remember hearing Cherub Rock on the radio in the summer of 93. My job that summer was running around Southern Illinois refilling and fixing various snow cone shacks that were set up in random parking lots all over the region. As I drove down the back roads the opening guitar riff and Billy’s voice sent electric chills through my body. The full Siamese Dreams CD was released soon after and I bought it the night it came out. Thank goodness the crappy minivan I drove through the blazing hot corn fields that summer had a CD player. I blasted that album over an over again getting a full left arm tan. When I got back to college in August, SD remained in my CD player for the first week until my ‘friends’ heard it and immediately stole it so they could play it on repeat. They weren’t even alternative rock fans. The album was that hard to ignore. When I finally got it back it was all scratched and I had to go get another copy. The only upside was we all trekked up to Kalamazoo that next spring to see them live. Epic! Thank you Billy, James , D’Arcy, and Jimmy!