Escape from the Infinite Sadness

It’s impossible to cite a single memory, as I have one for every song. I was already a dedicated SP fan when MC&TIS was released. The day it came out I spent all night listening to each song, carefully reading along from the lyric booklet. It became my personal soundtrack. In the Arms of Sleep when I was heartbroken, Tales of a Scorched Earth when I was angry, Thru the Eyes of Ruby when I needed calm and centering. I had a copy for my car, my home, my discman, and my boyfriend’s apartment so I was never without a copy close by. 25 years later, I have it downloaded on my phone so it is still always close. I even sat at Stonehenge last year and listened to Thru the Eyes of Ruby, which was a magical experience for me. The album is beautiful, heartfelt, eclectic, powerful, and peaceful all at the same time and I love it more than my poor writing skills can accurately describe.