After completing basic training at Fort Knox, KY, I was stationed at Fort Monmouth, NJ, for my AIT. It was early November, I had seen the video for “Bullet With Butterfly Wings” and was dying to get the new album. Unfortunately we were only 2 weeks into AIT and wouldn’t get an off post pass until 4 weeks. One day after lunch, myself and two of my platoon mates were hanging out in the common area with another platoon. Their Drill Sergeant entered the room. He was a menacing mass of muscles. “LISTEN UP!” he bellowed. “We’re going to do some PT, it’s not mandatory and you can stop whenever you like!” A devious smirk washed across his weathered face. “DO PUSHUPS!” Everyone dropped to the floor, full bellies groaning. “RELAX!” he called out and then almost immediately “DO PUSHUPS!” Bodies dropped to the floor again. “Remember, you can stop anytime”, he reminded us. The cycle repeated. Each time more people fell out. Until his entire platoon had stopped and only myself and my two platoon mates remained. He walked over to us, his massive feet leaving craters in the floor. “I’M IMPRESSED! YOU THREE HAVE EARNED THE REST OF THE DAY OFF AND PASSES OFF POST!” Oh my joy, my rapture! As we left the room to head for the bus station, i turned to see the Drill Sergeant, veins bulging in his neck as he addressed his soldiers. “YOU LET ANOTHER PLATOON SHOW YOU UP? DROP! THIS TIME IT IS MANDATORY!” We went to the mall, i got MCIS and listened to it on my walkman for the rest of the evening in my room. I can’t be for certain, but when I switched sides on the tape, i think i could still hear that Drill Sergeant yelling “DO PUSHUPS!” off in the distance late into the night.