Smashing pumpkins forever

I remember my brother bought MCIS. I was 12 years old. I remembering i loved it so much i painted a huge SP heart on the walls of my room. Listening over and over and over to the songs. I felt like they were singing for me. About me. It felt i wasn’t alone anymore. The music was everything to me. I remember looking at the artwork and the lyrics. Such a gesamtskunt/art, multilayered, profound cd. I remember nothing of the other artists of that era like Nirvana and Pearl Jam just captured my heart like SP did. It was like i was connected to them in a deep sense of not belonging, of being the outsider. I remember this concert in 2000. Billy handed me the mic, and i got to meet Billy, Jimmy and Melissa. It changed my life profoundly and had such an impact. One of the best days of my life. SP forever!