My life with the pumpkins

My introduction to the pumpkins began in 91 . I was and still am the type of person to walk into a record shop and just grab whatever catches my eye . I seen the gish album and on impulse bought it got home listened and fell in love . Siamese came out had to have and my love for the band just grew . What beautifull lyrics and music . Billy’s beautiful words inspired my art and poetry ..and to this day still does. not a day goes by that this band doesn’t inspire me in someway…along came meloncholy and what can I say .. brilliant. Such a beautiful record from start to finish . Thirty three probably the most beautiful video I have ever seen ..still is . Bodies is my absolute favorite song on the album such a raw, gut wrenching song . Billy inspires me every day..such a beautiful soul . Wow it’s been a long time since meloncholy was released and it’s still a timeless record .

The smashing pumpkins were always there somehow in my life through happiness.tears .anger but all was worth it .

Pumpkins will forever be my band