25 Years; So Long Ago Yet Seems Like Yesterday

October 1995. After being introduced to SP through “Drown” on the Singles soundtrack, and subsequently devouring Gish/SD/PI on near-constant rotation, I waited with baited breath for the stroke of midnight when the hundreds of lined-up kids would be let into the record store to buy this (sure) masterpiece. Cold outside but adrenaline kept us all warm. It sounds cliche, but the air actually felt thick with electricity.  One by one I could see people running…RUNNING…out of the Ann Arbor Tower Records back to their dorms and apartments.  Around 12:15 I got my copy, and like the others, *sprinted* a half mile back to my West Quad dorm and threw the discs into my 5-CD carousel (I don’t mean to brag…). What unfolded next was amazing.  As my roommate (a casual fan at the time) and I listened to track after track, we couldn’t believe our ears. What was this wizardry?? How could this be the same band, playing both “An Ode to No One” and “Thirty Three”???? How in the $#% can this “Ruby” song be real?? WTF XYU???  “Beautiful”…has another sing been more aptly named? We were blown away.  This album created a lifelong SP fan in my roommate and he and I both continue to be obsessed with every SP/WPC release to this day.   So grateful for this album, I still listen at least once per week. 

Farewell and goodnight.