A band that started a friendship.

I found my introduction with Smashing Pumpkins through their first release Gish. I really digged it. Then Siamese Dream came a couple years after. I absolutely love every song on that album. It helped me through a lot of difficult times. I often wondered what their next release would be like. I really was not prepared for what was going to happen. A double disc! The songwriting, the arrangements, the over all feel of this one was totally different! This album really does take you on a journey. They will forever be my favorite band. Quick side note. I remember getting ready to play a show at a local coffee shop when I was like a sophomore in high school. This guy my age came up to me and was like “nice shirt.” I was wearing the “just say maybe” shirt. We got to talking about The Pumpkins and ended up becoming very good friends. Even as an adult in my early 40’s, I still get excited when I hear their music.