My SP Journey Continues

October 24, 1995 – 13 year old me sat in a Junior High school class eagerly anticipating school being over, so I could meet up with my 3 best friends, to go buy and listen to the new Smashing Pumpkins album, Mellon Collie And The Infinite Sadness. Prior to this moment, I had slowly been getting into the popular alternative music at the time, and had purchased a few albums of my own. However nothing could prepare me for the rollercoaster ride of emotion, excitement and sheer enjoyment, that would accompany the first time I sat down alone, and listened to this album from beginning to end. I had already heard some Smashing Pumpkins music prior to this experience, and I credit the song “Rhinoceros” from the EP Lull, as the moment this incredible musical journey began…I snuck into my older brothers rooms, and listened to all their CD’s, but Lull was the one that truly grabbed my attention. Despite having heard the album Siamese Dream between finding Lull, and when I first listened to Mellon Collie, it just didn’t have the same effect on me at the time, that Mellon Collie did. Every last second of the 28 track, 120+ minute experience of Mellon Collie And The Infinite Sadness, opened up places inside my heart and mind that I never knew existed, and began healing my aching heart, mind and soul. It may all sound silly, or crazy, but this album absolutely saved my life, and kept me afloat in the darkest most depressing times of my teenage years. But it hasn’t stopped there. For 25 years, this album, and the band behind it, have been a beacon of joy, light, and love for me and many others, some of which I’ve been privileged to get to know. Now, on October 24th, 2020, as a 38 year old (wondering where all the time has gone), and in the midst of many unexpected struggles and challenges that pull at me daily. I not only have the music of the past to inspire and uplift me, but also new music coming soon, and there are many things planned for the future…on Thursday, it was announced that the Smashing Pumpkins are currently working on a 33 track sequel to both the album Mellon Collie And The Infinite Sadness, as well as a follow up album, called Machina. In addition, there’s a new 20 track album being released on November 27th, titled CYR. As well as multiple other massive projects, including huge plans for arena style touring as soon as possible, and plans to release an endless collection of tracks from their huge archive of unreleased music. It’s all almost too good to be true, but it is true, and this has been the story of my SP journey from the beginning. It’s changed my life, altered the path I was on more than a couple times, and completely saved me from the frustrations and unhappiness, that have plagued me throughout my life. So today, on the 25th anniversary of such an iconic album, I am not only happy to have survived this journey, but to have reaped so much from something that is seemingly insignificant to others. This music has always been my guide, and all the good that’s happened to me because of it, is all thanks to God, who clearly works in mysterious ways. I don’t know the full story now, and I don’t need to, but what I do know is that the Smashing Pumpkins and their music, have been the greatest thing to ever happen to me. Without them, and what they’ve done, I wouldn’t have made it through my teenage years, I wouldn’t be happily married today, and I wouldn’t have the strength to get through the moments where everything seems to be caving in. As I listen to these 28 tracks again, I can’t help but feel a sense of appreciation and pure joy, in knowing that the story continues, and even if it were to end today, it has been an absolutely incredible journey that I will never forget.