I Will Always Remember….

I remember getting Mellon Collie and the Infinite Sadness (double album) on the day it came out, October 24, 1995. It was on a Tuesday, remember when they would release albums on Tuesdays?? Those were the days! I was in 8th grade living my best life! I had saved my chore money to buy it. I came home did my homework right away. I just couldn’t wait until my dad got off work to take me to the music store to get it. As soon as he pulled in the driveway I ran to his truck! On the way I talked his poor ear off about how much I idolized the Smashing Pumpkins and that this record would be rocking! As soon as I entered the record store I took off! I couldn’t wait for my dad, I wanted that record! I remember just running over to the releases and there it was! I think I screamed and jumped up and down lol! When I got into the car I ripped open the plastic on the cd. I checked the cool art work throughout the inside. When I got home I rushed upstairs and put on the first cd….my young mind was blown. I then listened to the second cd….still I was blown away. I just couldn’t believe the sound that was coming from my speakers….I must have listened to it three before going to bed. I took it to school with me the next morning to show my friends and to listen to it on my disc-man at recess. I was totally in love with this record by far….Fast forward 25 years to 2020. I still listen to this record a lot. I can’t tell you how many times certain songs saved me from that album especially when I was super depressed and lonely over the years. It’s funny how I can sit here and remember that day back in 1995. To this day my love for the Smashing Pumpkins has never changed…