Forever, you.

I was completely hooked the moment I saw BWBW on MTV. I vividly remember the first time I heard Zero shortly after; same when the 1979 and Tonight, Tonight videos premiered. I was completely obsessed. I had a SP shirt for every day of the week at school, and even wrote the full lyrics to 1979 on the chalkboard in my 7th grade English class. I was THE Pumpkins guy at school. While I often performed air-guitar SP concerts in my room, the MCIS tour in ’96 was my first real concert. I made my family wait with me in line at the box office to get tickets (with folding chairs in tow). The entire MCIS experience – the album, the artwork, the videos, the b-sides – have partially defined who I am and what I like, and for that, I am forever grateful.