Lullabys for a pre-teen

I somehow got someone that I barely knew to loan me their MCIS CDs. I remember taking my sister’s boombox and playing the last 5 tracks of Twilight to Starlight on repeat over and over again, each night. It sort of lulled me to sleep, even at a young age I was full of anxiety and insomnia. I was mostly a loner and wanted nothing more than to connect with people. I felt this was my way of connecting by just listening to this music, I was not alone. While I loved the rest of the album, these last 5 songs were quirky, friendly, inviting, and accepting. I needed to hear this. I usually listen to songs and take their words literally. So I was able to imagine creatures coming to life, someone pining over someone in their window, someone promising to be my “one and only.” It took me out of this lonely deep depression I had started to fall into. Things were bad. I was a chaotic preteen who was scared. This broke me out of that habit. I slowly started hearing other people talk about the album and I was able to find something in common to talk about with others. I won’t go into detail, but they have become life long friends. I finally got a copy of MCIS of my own for Christmas. I still have that copy.