NSA School desk – 1997

In high school, one of the classrooms was a staggered like a lecture room. We sat on the same individual wooden desks each lesson. I was suitably obsessed with MCIS and one tedious lesson from a substitute teacher left me gazing unfocused, I decided to write part of the lyrics of ‘Where boys fear to tread’ on the desk and draw some SP album artwork. The lesson finished and I returned the next day to the same classroom, to the same desk. Someone had continued the lyrics! But who? This carried on for the entire year, song by song. I’d walk past the class, hoping to catch a glimpse of who it was, my fellow SP fan, but the door was always closed until the lesson was over.  By then everyone was walking out.

I’ll never know who that person was but it was a magical connection I’ll never forget and a lasting memory of MCIS.