Mellon collie and me.

Hi all! Sorry for my terrible english 🙂 I was in army, in Vladivostok city, this city is far away from my home town on 8000 km. In the end of 1995 or early 1996 i was listening local radiostation and there was story about SP and their new album Mellon collie. I never heard about SP before. Of course, it was not only story but and few songs from album. Not sure, but maybe it was Butterfly, 1979. Then was little story in local newspaper and “pirate” tape with Deep Purple’s album and between “bonus tracks” was Butterly 🙂 After i came home i bought full album, “pirate” tape again, i think it was fall of 1996 and finally listened in entirely. And by 2020 year Mellon collie is still my favorite SP album! And i hope will hear it in entirely alive one day 😉 Oh, and i really love SP tour with Mellon collie in 1995-1997, it was really amazing! I have lost of gigs from this tour.